Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 30, No 2 (2020)

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Impact of authentic learning on academic intrinsic motivation in studying General Science at elementary education level

Wajeeha Aurangzeb


This study explores impact of authentic learning and academic intrinsic motivation in studying science at elementary education level in the backdrop of theory of Constructivism. Factors of authentic learning included authentic context, expert performance, multiple viewpoints, collaboration, interaction, coaching & scaffolding, reflection and integrated & authentic assessment. Personal relevance, self-efficacy, self-determination, career-motivation and grade-motivation were taken as subscales. Descriptive correlational research design was used to extract data from 300 teachers and Grade 8 students. Data collection instruments included “Science Motivation Questionnaire” by Glynn, Taasoobshirazi & Brickman (2008), used for students and a selfconstructed 30 statement questionnaire for assessing authentic learning based on extensive literature review. Pearson correlation revealed that a strong positive correlation exists between the two variables. Intrinsic motivation for studying General Science reflected positive correlation with authentic context and authentic assessment (r=.82) and negative correlation with multiple viewpoints (r= -.81). Highest mean score was manifested by authentic context (m=24.35) grade motivation factor (m=24.66). R 2 value of simple linear regression model is 0.728 showing that 72.8% of the variation in the academic intrinsic motivation can be explained by this model containing only authentic learning. It is concluded that students’ intrinsic motivation for studying General Science will enhance by providing them conducive and authentic learning environment. Elementary teachers may be introduced to innovative teaching strategies such as project method, demonstration method, problem solving method and collaborating learning through workshops/ trainings in order to follow true spirit of constructivism in elementary level classrooms. 


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