Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 30, No 2 (2020)

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Psychological Capital Development in Street Children through Education at Child Protection & Welfare Bureau, Lahore

Nauman A. Abdullah, Amtul Javaid, Sonia Omar


The present research study was aimed at exploring the Psychological Capital Development in Street Children through Education at Child Protection and Welfare Bureau, Lahore. Using quantitative method, a descriptive research design was employed. The street children living in Child Protection and Welfare Bureau, Lahore for five (2013-18) years were the population of the study. Conveniently, 60 children constituted the sample. The researchers developed the research instrument for data collection. The bilingual instrument was validated from the experts in the field of Psychology and English and Urdu language. The instrument was also piloted on another relevant sample to check its reliability. The study complied with the ethical considerations before and during the data collection. The researchers personally collected the data and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to enter and analyze. Data cleaning was performed and descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used once data normality was ensured. The key findings of the study revealed that education given in the Child Protection and Welfare Bureau, Lahore was contributing in the psychological capital development of the street children. The findings have certain implications for the Bureau and the policy makers for the betterment of street children. 


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