Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 30, No 2 (2020)

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Problems and Benefits of Online Media Use for Education During COVID-19: A Thematic Analysis of Elementary Schools Teachers and Parents Reflections

Muhammad Shabbir Sarwar, Javairia Shafiq, Waqar Ul Haq


Most elementary schools’ teachers and parents experienced the online classes for the first time in Pakistan after schools’ closure due to COVID 19. This study sheds light on the positive and negative aspects as per the experience of the parents and teachers during online classes using internet connectivity and technology of computers and smart phones. This is a qualitative research and data was collected through structured interviews of the teachers and parents of eight elementary schools in posh areas of Lahore. Thematic analysis was applied after coding all interviews. Five themes based on problems included i) technological barriers, ii) stunt for fee collection, iii) disciplinary issues of online classes, iv) quality issues and v) screen time increase. While, the four themes for the benefits achieved through online classes were triangle involvement of parent-teacher-student, internet browsing/ research exposure of students, cost saving of uniform and travel, and lastly saving academic year during COVID-19. According to the results, most parents were initially against the online classes considering this exercise just a stunt for fee collection but gradually they were convinced about the benefits besides having concerns regarding internet connectivity, electricity load-shedding and availability of computers and smart phones for all children at home. On the other hand, teachers found increase in misconduct of kids and attendance issues in online classes. However, according to the teachers and parents, the major benefit of online classes was the transformation from conventional to search and research-oriented studies which boost up students’ self-confidence. Furthermore, parents and teachers unanimously termed the online classes as ‘savior of the academic year’ during COVID 19.

Keywords: Elementary Education, COVID-19, Online Classes, Digital Literacy, Parents, Teachers, Students


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