Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 28, No 2 (2018)

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Educational Opportunities for Juveniles in Punjab, Pakistan - An Equity Concern

Imran Latif, Muhammad Uzair-ul-Hassan, Iram Parveen


Juveniles makes an excluded group in a society. Mainstreaming them is one of the crucial objectives to be achieved through education. Provision of equitable educational opportunities, facilities and training to juveniles’ mental, moral, social and psychological development within borstal institutions has significant role in making them productive citizens for Pakistan’s society. The study rationalized that equity is a basic instrument to analyse educational facility for juveniles’ rehabilitation and mainstreaming. The study’s focus was to explore and analyse educational opportunities apropos of equity for juveniles in borstal institutes.Purposive sampling was used for conducting in-depth interviews from 26 juveniles, which was the total strength out of104 prisoned juveniles in the borstal institute, Faisalabad. The qualitative analysis revealed that although teaching-learning process had been taking place for juveniles but the system lacked in provision of equitable educational opportunities in the institute. Further, the data showed that teachers, reading materials, stationeries, laboratories and furniture, which are essential elements in carrying out teaching-learning process, were largely missing in the borstal institute and juveniles jail. In the light of the evidences gained, the study presents some practical suggestions for provision of equitable educational opportunities for juveniles in the borstal institute and jail of Punjab, Pakistan.


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