Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 33, No 1 (2023)

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Determining the Effect of Students’ Leadership and Self-Efficacious Beliefs on Institutional Driving Commitment: Integrating and Moving Forward

Prof. Dr. Abid Hussain Ch., Dr. Mehboob Ul Hassan


Students’ leadership is confidence and the symbols of dedication and commitment to strive and embrace the complicatedness with buoyancy attitudes and behavioral modification. The aspect of institutional commitment, utilization, progress, and development through resources at the exact place is the ultimate purpose of student leadership. Student leadership is applicable in public sector educational institutions in terms of “class monitors” that play alternate roles of their teachers due to overcrowded classrooms and a staff shortage. The current research attempted to ramify the exact students’ leadership and self-efficacious potential used to enhance institutional commitment about classrooms’ first, second, and third monitor on a sample of 702 students: 351 male and 351 female randomly selected from District Lahore. The standardized instrument assists the researchers to collect the data from elementary students; classroom monitors, and three leaders/monitors from each eighth class. The results of the regression analysis technique reported that only 23.20% of students’ leadership and 39% of students’ self-efficacious beliefs have affected institutional commitment. The study recommends that the School Education Department concentrates on students’ leadership and self-efficacious beliefs for the smooth running of schools focusing on their institutional commitment. Moreover, the current study recommends that focusing on students’ choices, quoting examples of successful personalities, teachers’ conduct of collaborative activities, assigning encouraging tasks, and arranging workshops among students are important aspects that entirely change students’ level of commitment.


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