Table of Contents
Is news all about politics? | |
Chisom Ezebuka, Chinwe Okpoko |
Mass media, the rights of the disabled people of Bangladesh: A critical overview | |
Mustak Ahmad |
A comparative study of traditional and social media consumption patterns among youth | |
Tuba Mumtaz, Kiran Karamat, Ammara Iqbal |
Media ethics: A study of prime time news bulletins of leading Pakistani news channels | |
Saman Riaz |
The role of media and social activists: The new stars on board | |
Parvin Sultana |
Naomi Klein (2007). The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Penguin; Reprint edition (18 Sept. 2007) ISBN-13: 978- 0713998993 | |
Alina Ali Durrani |

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