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Author Guidelines


                Mycopath publishes research papers written in English on all aspects of Agricultural Sciences especially in Mycology and Plant Pathology. All material submitted for publication is reviewed by editors who act on advice from at least referees not to be identified to the authors. Papers submitted for publication must not be published elsewhere. Papers become the copyright of the journal. A pdf file of the paper will be provided to the corresponding author free of charge.

Replication, statistics and controls

                All experiments should have adequate replication and where relevant, should have been repeated for confirmation. Data should be subjected to appropriate statistical analysis. All experiments must include adequate controls for comparison with the treatments.


The text should be typed on one side only of A4 paper double spaced (not 1.5) and with wide margins (at least 25 mm) and the sheets numbered consecutively.

Title, authors and address

The title should be informative but concise. It should be followed by a list of the authors, with first names as initials only and preceding the name and with each name separated by a comma, except for the last two which are separated by ‘and’. The list of names should be followed by a list of authors addresses. The address and author for correspondence should be indicated where there are two or more author. For communication please provide phone and e.mail address on the title page of the paper.


This should indicate concisely (normally in less than 250 words) the scope and main conclusions of the paper. The summary does not need a heading.

Key words

                Key words must be given at the end of abstract.

Running title

                A running title must be given and should not exceed 25 letters.


This should provide, succinctly, the current state of work in the relevant field and the reasons for carrying out the experiments, as well as a clear statement of the objectives.


These should be presented in an orderly fashion, making use of tables and figures where necessary. Figures are preferable over tables. However, tables must accompany the manuscript.


Discussion should be presented separately from results, and it should be noted that simple restatement of results in it does not constitute adequate discussion. The discussion should be focused on the work presented, and its relationship with other relevant published work. It should not digress widely into general discussion of a research area, or into excessive speculation.


In the text, references should be cited by author and date. Ampersand (&) should be used between names of two authors and et al. for references with more than two authors even when they first appear, e.g. (Ahmad et al., 1970). In the text, lists of such references should be placed in chronological sequence.

New Taxa

A latin diagnosis must be provided and a type must be mentioned for all new taxa.

Units and quantities

SI units are preferred. Others should be related to SI units at the first mention. Numbers preceding units should be written as numerals, those preceding other items up to nine should be spelt out, e.g. 8cm, 2 days, nine fields, 10 leaves. Units should preferably be explicit, e.g. 1g/L or 1gL-1 rather than 0.1% w/v. whereas grams per litre can be indicated as gL-1, spores per millilitre is written as spores per mL.

Latin binomials

Latin binomial names are given with authorities when mentioned for the first time in the manuscript.


Each table should be self-explanatory and typed on a separate sheet with an appropriate caption. Tables should be referred to in the text with Arabic numerals as, e.g. table 1, etc. in the results section, do not state ‘Table 1 shows the results of a give test’ ¾ describe the results of the test and then indicate which table shows them. The description should not repeat the results of the table but can draw attention to particular or general features of them. Refer to tables in the sequence in which they are presented.


These should be numbered in a separate series and referred to with Arabic numerals in the text as, e.g. Figure 1, etc. Figure legends should be self explanatory. Subdivisions within figures should be labeled with lower case letters, e.g. a, b and c, etc. and these should also be used in the figure captions, footnotes and in the text.

Photographs should have good contrast. Magnification should be shown by a scale or bar. Three prints of each photograph are requested. Two prints only should be labeled or the labeling indicated on an overlay. The figure number and author’s name should be penciled lightly on the reverse of all photos, with the top edge identified. Where several photographs are to be mounted together on the printed page, a photocopy of the layout should be provided.

Graphs and other line drawings must be in black indelible ink and be no more than twice the required publication size. Three copies, one unabelled, should be provided.

Alternatively, good quality computer-generated figures may be sent. Avoid using tints if possible.

Normally, no submitted figure should be larger than A4 (297x210mm). Remember that all lettering and symbols should be large enough and thick enough to take a reduction of 50% (final lettering size should be approximately 2 mm). Acceptable symbols for graphs are ÿ, °, D, ÿ, ? and ? (x and + will not be accepted). Include symbol keys within the body of the illustration rather than in the legend.


Coloured illustrations and photogbraphs are welcome but their printing cost have to be borne by the authors. Authors have to signify their willingness to pay and will be requested to pay before the publication of the paper.

Reference list

References should be listed alphabetically. Within the references for a particular author, those with the author alone should precede those with two authors and these should precede lists with more than two. Within each of these groups the references should be listed chronologically.


Agrios GN, 2000. Significance of plant diseases. In: Plant Pathology. Academic Press, London, Pp. 25-37.

Bhowmick BN, Chardhary BK, 1992. Antifungal activity of leaf extracts of medicinal plants on Alternaria alternata. Ind. Bot. Rept., 1: 164-165.

Singh UP, Singh B, Singh RB, 1980. The antifungal effect of neem (Azadirachta indica) extracts on some soil borne pathogens of gram Mycologia, 72: 1077-1093.


Printing Charges

No Printing charges

Coloured: 1300 Rs. Per page


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word ile format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


ISSN: 1729-5521