![]() The Biological Sciences have progressed leaps and bounds and it is now strongly felt that if proper remedial measures are not taken to develop the Biological Sciences, the University may never be able to catch up with the rapid speed with which new developments are taking place in this field. There is a dire need to build up basic arsenal for venturing into collaborative teaching and research programme. There is no denying the fact that microbes are centre of biological sciences these days and most of the new technologies in fact are based on microbes or microbe based knowledge. Another very important component of modern biotechnology is the field of Genetics. In the wake of development in the areas of Genetic Engineering, Gene Therapy, Human Genome, it was long felt that a separate discipline of Molecular Genetics be established for a degree programme so as to provide basic training in the area with an objective (i) to produce specifically trained manpower and (ii) initiate teaching and research in Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics leading to award of M.Sc., M.Phil, and Ph.D. Degrees.
Aims and Objectives
Teaching Faculty
Publications/ Research / BooksLast Three Year Articles Year: 2016 1- Shabana and Hasnain, H.,; The p. N103K mutation of Leptin(LEP) gene and severe early onset obesity in Pakistan, Biological Research, 49(23), 2016 2- Shahid, S.U., Shabana, Rehman, A. and Hasnain, S,; Role of common variant of fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) gene in obesity and coronary artery disease in subjects from punjab pakistan: a case control study, Lipids in health and disease, 15:29, 2016 3- Shahid, S.U., Shabana, Cooper, J., Beaney, K.E., Li, K., Rehman, A. and Humphries, S.E,; Effect of SORTI, APOB and APOE polymorphisms on LDL-C and coronary heart disease in Pakistani subjects and their comparison with northwick park heart study II, Lipids in health and disease, 15:83, 2016 4- Ali, I., and Jamil, N.,; Polyhydroxyalkanoates: Current applications in the medical field, Front. Biol, 11(1), 2016 5- Mustafa, S., Javed, H., Hashmi, J., Jamil, N., Tahir, Z., Akhtar A.M.,; Emergence of mixed infection of Beijing/Non-Beijing strains among multi-drug resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis in Pakistan, 3 Biotech, 6:108, 2016 6- Shuja, M., and Jamil, N,; Reexamining intra and extracellular metabolites produced by pseudomonas aeruginosa, Journal of coastal life medicine, 4(2), 2016 7- Iqbal, B., Khan, N., and Jamil, N.,; Polyhydroxybutyrate production by stenotrophomonas and exigubacterium using renewable carbon source, Annual research & Review in Biology, 9(5), 2016 8- Abrar, S. and Riaz, S,; Impact of putative bacteriocins against multidrug resistant clilical isolates, Medical forum, 27(2), 2016 9- Javed N., Xue G., LuA., Xing Y., Iwakura Y., Xiao H., Lecoeur H., F. Spath G., Meng G,; Cross reactivity of S. aureus to murine cytokine assays: A source of discrepancy, Cytokine, 81:101, 2016 10- Abdirahman A and Batool, R,; Evaluation of bioactivity and preliminary phytochemical investigation of herbal plants against ampicillin resistant bacteria, Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 12, 2016 11- Hamza A., S. Perveen, Abbas. Z. and Rehman S.U,; The lytic SA phage demonstrate bactericidal activity against mastitis causing staphylococcus aureus, Open Life Sciences, 0.48541666667, 2016 12- Zainab, B. Abbas. Z. And Rehman S. U,; A Phage P.EI, Isolated from hospital sewage reduces the growth of escherichia colo, Biocontrol science and technology, 26(2), 2016 13- Sohail. M and Latif Z,; Phylogenetic analysis of polygalacturonase producing bacillus and pseudomonas isoalted from plant waste origin, Jundashapur journal of microbiology, 9(1), 2016 14- Ali, M.S., and Latif, Z.,; Molecular characterization of yeast strains isolated from different sources by restriction fragment length polymorphism, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 48(1), 2016 15- Sarwar, A., Latif, Z. Garcia, L, chao, J.A., Rodriguez Osorio, C., Cabalerio, C,; Streptomyces spp causantes de sarna comun de la patata y potenciales agentes de control biologico de la enfermedad, Tierras, 237, 2016 16- Tanveer, R., Sajid, I., Hasnain, S., Kulik, A and Grond, S., ,; Rare actinomycetes nocardia caishijiensis and pseudonocardia carboxydivorans as endophytes, their bioactivity and metabolites evaluation, Microbiological Research , 185, 2016 17- Aslam, S. and Sajid, I,; Antimicrobial potential of halophic actinomycetes against multi drug resistant (MDR) ventilator associated pneumonia causing bacterial pathogens, Clin Chim Acta, 29(2), 2016 18- Iqbal, A., Zaid, M., Munir, H. Usman, H. Kalbacher, L. Scandizuu, N. Zaidi,; Atypical plasma lipid profiles in leukemia, Clin Chim Acta, 452, 2016 19- Usman, H., Ameer, F., Munir, R., Iqbal, A., Zaid, M., Hasnain, S., Scandiuzzi, L., N. Zaidi,; Leukemia cells display lower levels of intracellular cholesterol irrespective of the exogenous cholesterol availability, Clin Chim Acta, 457, 2016 20- Raza, M.A., Kanwal, Z., Rauf, A, Sabri, A.N., Riaz, S., and Naseem S,; Size and shape dependent antibacterial studies of silver nanoparticles synthesized by wet chemical routes, Nanomaterials, , 2016 21- Sultan, S and Faisal, M.,; Isolation and characterization of iron and sulfur oxidizing bacteria from coal mines, Journal of environment and earth sciences, , 2016 22- Adbul Manan and Nageen Hussain,; Mutational analysis of DNAse I gene in pakistani SLE patients, Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology, 2016.7:2, 2016 23- Faiza Aziz, Warda Fatima, Saqib Mahmood and Samina Khokhar,; Screening for DEL 185ag AND 4627 C7A brcal mutations in Breast Cancer patients from Lahore, Pakistan, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 17(4) 1725-1727, 2016 24- Aisha Waheed Qurashi and Anjum Nasim Sabri,; Induction of Osmotolerance by Staphylococcus scivri HP3 in Lens esculenta var. Masoor 93 under Nacl stress, Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences, 2016: Vol 14(1) 42-51, 2016 Year: 2015 1- Yasin, M., El-Mehdawi, A., Anwar, A., Elizabeth Pilon-Smits and Faisal, M.,; Microbial-enhanced selenium and iron biofortification of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-applications in phytoremediation and biofortification., International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17, 2015 2- Yasin, M., El-Mehdawi, AF., Pilon-Smith, EAH and Faisal, M.,; Selenium-fortified wheat: Potential of microbes for biofortification of selenium and other essential nutrients.., International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17, 2015 3- Rehman, F and Faisal, M.,; Estimation of toxic hexavalent chromium reduction potential of Bacillus pumilis, Cellulosimicrobium cellulans and Exiguobacterium. , Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33, 2015 4- Younis, T and Faisal, M,; Functional and genomic diversity of Pinus roxburghii rhizospheric bacteria and their potential role in plant growth promotion.., Research Journal of Biotechnology, 10(3), 2015 5- Reza, F.A., Amin, A and Faisal, M.,; Characterization of desiccation tolerant rhizobacteria from Cholistan desert, Pakistan: Their impact on growth of Zea mays L. , Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(4), 2015 6- Yasin, M., El-Mehdawi, AF., Jahn, CE., Anwer, A., Turner, MFS., Faisal, M and Pilon-Smith, EAH.,; Seleniferous soils as a source for production of selenium-enriched foods and potential of bacteria to enhance plant selenium uptake. , Plant and Soil, 386(1), 2015 7- Shabana and Shahida Hasnain,; Association of the leptin receptor Gln223Arg polymorphism with lipid profile in obese Pakistani subjects. , Nutrition, 31, 2015 8- Hina Usman, Rida Rashid, Fatima Ameer, Areeb Iqbal, Muhammad Zaid, Shahida Hasnain, Hubert Kalbacher, Nousheen Zaidi,,; Revisiting the dyslipidemia associated with acute leukemia. , Clinica Chimica Acta, 444, 2015 9- Shamim, S. and Rehman, A,; Antioxidative enzyme profiling and biosorption ability of Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 and Pseudomonas putida mt2 under cadmium stress. , Journal of Basic Microbiology, 55(3), 2015 10- Ilyas, S., Bukhari, D.A and Rehman, A,; Decolorization of synozol red 6HBN by yeast, Candida tropicalis 4S, isolated from industrial workers. , Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47, 2015 11- Ilyas, S. and Rehman, A,; Oxidative stress, glutathione level and antioxidant response to heavy metals in multi-resistant pathogen, Candida tropicalis., Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , 187, 2015 12- Shahbana and Shahida Hasnain,; The fatty acid binding protein 2 (FABP2) and obesity in Pakistan: A population based study and a systematic meta-analysis., Gene, , 2015 13- Aatif Amin and Zakia Latif,; Reviw article “Phytotoxicity of Hg and its detoxification through Microorganisms in soil”. , Advancement in Life Sciences, 2(2), 2015 14- Bukhari, D.A. and Rehman, A,; Purification and Characterization of α-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis Isolated from Local Environment. , Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47, 2015 15- Batool, R., Yrjälä, K. and Hasnain, S.,; Alleviation of phyto-toxic effects of chromium by inoculation of chromium (VI) reducing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Rb-1 and Ochrobacterum intermedium Rb-2. , International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 17, 2015 16- Batool, R., Yrjälä, K. and Hasnain, S.,; Study on cellular changes and potential endotrophy of wheat roots due to colonization of Chromium reducing bacteria. , International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, , 2015 17- Wadood , Z.H., Rajasekar , A., Ting Y-P., Sabri, A.N,; Role of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel. , Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering , 40(7), 2015 18- Rida Batool, Kim Yrjälä, Kamran Shaukat, Nazia Jamil and Shahida Hasnain,,; Production of EPS under Cr(VI) challenge in two indigenous bacteria isolated from a tannery effluent. , Journal of Basic Microbiology, , 2015 19- Abdul Hameed and Shahida Hasnain,; Sequencing of glutathione synthetase gene from the chromium resistant Synechocystis SP. AHZ-HB-MK and AHZ-HB-P2A., Science International, 27(3), 2015 20- Abdul Hameed and Shahida Hasnain,; Role of metal detoxification by glutaredoxin gene and its isolation from chromium resistant cyanobacteria. , Science International, 27(2), 2015 21- Samreen Riaz,; Study of protein biomarkers of diabetes mellitus type 2 and therapy with Vitamin B1. , Journal of Diabetes Research , , 2015 22- Saleem. H.G.M, Usman Aftab, Imran Sajid., Zaigham Abbas., Sabri, A.N,; Effect of crude extracts of selected actinomycetes on biofilm formation of A. schindleri, M. aci and B. cereus. , Journal of Basic Microbiology, 55, 2015 23- Hasnain Javaid and Jamil, N,; Utilization of mustard oil for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Pseudomonas aeruginosa., Journal of Microbiol Biotech Food Sci , 4 (5), 2015 24- Ali, B,; Bacterial auxin signaling: Comparative study of growth induction in Arabidopsis thaliana and Triticum aestivum., Turkish Journal of Botany, 39(1), 2015 25- Akram, W., Anjum, T. and Ali, B,; Searching ISR determinant/s from B. subtilis IAGS174 against Fusarium wilt of tomato., BioControl, 60(2), 2015 26- Shamsa Akbar, Sikander Sultan and Michael Kertesz,; Determination of Cypermethrin degradation of soil bacteria along with plant growth promoting characteristics., Current Microbiology, 70(1), 2015 27- Shamsa Akbar, Sikander Sultan and Michael Kertesz,; Bacterial community analysis of Cypermethrin enrichment cultures and bioremediation of Cypermethrin contaminated soils., Journal of Basic Microbiology, 54, 2015 28- Afifa Tanweer, Ghazala Pervez Zaman, Warda Fatima, Hasnain Javed.,; Report on malnutrition as an epidemic in Pakistan., Science International (Lahore) , 27(3), 2015 29- Sumbal Sarwar, Komal Saleem, Warda Fatima, Anjum Nasim Sabri,; Detection of extended spectrum beta lactamases producing MRSA from hospital waste water in Lahore., Science International.(Lahore), 27(1), 2015 30- Chaudhry, M., Wang, X., Bamne, M.N., Hasnain, S., Demirci, F.Y., Lopez, O.L., Kamboh, M.I.,; Genetic Variation in Imprinted Genes is Associated with Risk of Late-Onset Alzheimer’s disease. , Journal of Alzheimer ’s disease, 44, 2015 31- Chaudhry, M., Hasnain, S., Wang, SB., Bamne, MN., Rosenthal, S., Demirci, FY, Kamboh, MI., Snitz, BE,; Association analysis of 23 susceptibility loci with risk of dementia in a Pakistani population. , Psychiatry Research, 225, 2015 32- Hussain A, Mumtaz HM, Aslam MS, Abbas Z,; Seroprevalence of transfusion based transmissible infections among clinically healthy donors in the community of Multan, , Pakistan. J. Inf. Mol. Biol. , 3(2), 2015 33- Muhammad Shahbaz Aslam, Tanveer Khalid, Iram gull, Zaigham Abbas, Muhammad Amin Athar,; Identification of Major Allergens of Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) Pollens and Purification of Novel 40 kDa Allergen Protein. , Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 28 (1), 2015 34- Aslam, F. and Ali, B,; Efficacy of charcoal based formulations of Bacillus and Escherichia coli to enhance the growth and yield of Triticum aestivum L., Research Journal of Biotechnology, 10(7), 2015 35- Raheem, A. and Ali, B,; Halotolerant rhizobacteria: Beneficial plant metabolites and growth enhancement of Triticum aestivum L. in salt amended soils., Archives of Agronomy and Soil Sciences, , 2015 36- Sumaira Tariq, Aatif Amin and Zakia Latif,; PCR based DNA fingerprinting of mercury resistant and nitrogen fixing Pseudomonas spp., Pure Applied Biology, 4(1), 2015 37- Amira Rafique, Aatif Amin and Zakia Latif,; Screening and Characterization of Mercury-Resistant Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria and Their Use as Biofertilizers and for Mercury Bioremediation, Pakistan Journal of Zoology , 47(5), 2015 38- Safdar, S., Ali, Z., Sultan, S., Ahmad, S., Colbech, I and Nasir, Z.A,; Assessment of airborne microflora in the indoor micro-environment of residential houses of Lahore, Pakistan. , Aerosol and Air Quality Research, , 2015 39- Zaid, M and Jamil, N,; Production and invitro Evaluation of bioplastic produced by bacteria using Bagasse., International Conference on Chemical, Food and EnvironmentnEngineering (ICCFEE, 15), , 2015 40- Shahbana and Shahida Hasnain,; Effect of common FTO (Fat mass and obesity association) gene variants on obesity in Pakistani population. A case control study., Biomed Research International , , 2015 41- Iqra Arooj, Mamoonah Chaudhry, Shahida Hasnain,; An association study of locus 9p21.3/rs1333049 with risk of coronary heart disease and dementia in a Pakistani population, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, , 2015 42- Saba Riaz,; Phenotypic and molecular detection of plasmid encoded Beta-lactamases producing E. coli and Klebsiella spp from Lahore, Pakistan. , Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, , 2015 43- Aslam, S and Sajid, I,; Halophilic actinomyceytes and their antimicrobial potential against multi drug resistant (MDR) ventilator associated pneumonia causing bacterial pathogens., Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, , 2015 44- Iqbal, Z and Sajid I,; Screening fresh water rare actinomycetes for antimicrobial potential against nosocomial pathogens., Journal of Advances in Biology and Biotechnology , , 2015 45- Javed, S., Sarwar, A., Tassawar, C. and Faisal, M,; Conversion of selenite to elemental selenium by indigenous bacteria isolated from polluted areas, Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability, 27, 2015 46- Shabana, Shahid, S.U., Li, K.W., Acharya, J., Cooper, J. A., Hasnain, S., Humphries, S. E (2015). ,; Effect of six type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci and the FTO variant rs9939609 on Obesity in Pakistani Obese subjects’. , European Journal of Human Genetics, , 2015 47- Shabana and Hasnain, S. (2015).,; Prevalence of R236G mutation in Pakistan, Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, , 2015 48- Shabana and Hasnain, S. (2015).,; Obesity, more than a ‘Cosmetic’ problem. Current knowledge and future Prospects of Human Obesity Genetics. , Biochemical Genetics, , 2015 49- Rasool, H. A. and Ahmed, M. 2015.,; Designing Second Generation Anti-Alzheimer Compounds as Inhibitors of Human Acetylcholinesterase: Computational Screening of Synthetic Molecules and Dietary Phytochemicals. , PLoS ONE , 10, 2015 50- Zainab, B. Z. Abbas. and S. U. Rehman. 2016.,; A Phage P.E1, Isolated from Hospital Sewage Reduces the Growth of Escherichia coli. , Biocontrol Science and Technology , 26, 2015 51- Butt A, Malik S. 2015,; Microbial and parasitic contamination on circulating Pakistani Currency. , Advances in Life Sciences, 2, 2015 52- Sajida Munir and Nazia Jamil, 2015.,; Polyhydroxyalkanoates (pha) production and characterization by utilizing wastewater as cheap carbon source., Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 14, 2015 53- Batool, R.,Yrjälä, K., Shaukat, K, Jamil, N. and Hasnain, S. 2015,; Production of EPS under Cr(VI) challenge in two indigenous bacteria isolated from a tannery effluent. , Journal of Basic Microbiology, 55(9), 2015 54- Munir, S., Iqbal, S and Jamil, N. 2015.,; Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Production using Paper Mill Wastewater as Carbon Source in Comparison with Glucose.. , Journal Of Pure And Applied Microbiology, 9, 2015 55- Younas, T., Ali, I and Jamil, N. 2015.,; Polyhydroxyalkanoates production using canola oil by bacteria isolated from paper pulp industry. , Kuwait Journal of Science, 42, 2015 56- Naseem, S. Yasin, M., Ahmed, A and Faisal, M. 2015.,; Chromium accumulation and toxicity in Corn (Zea mays L. seedling). , Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24, 2015 57- Ahmad, T., Faisal, M., Iqbal, S., Khalil, M and Qazi, M.H. 2015.,; Factors affecting detoxification of hexavalent chromium into trivalent in industrial effluents by indigenous bacteria. , Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 5, 2015 58- Khokher, S., Qureshi, M.U., Fatima, W., Mahmood, S and Saleem, A. 2015. ,; Impact of a Breast Health Awareness Activity on the Knowledge Level of the Participants and its Association with Socio- Demographic Features.. , Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16, 2015 59- Tanweer, A., Pervez, G., Zaman, Fatima, W and Javed, H. 2015.,; Report On Malnutrition As An Epidemic In Pakistan. , Science International (Lahore) , 27, 2015 60- Rafique, A., Amin, A and Latif, Z. 2015.,; Screening and characterization of mercury-resistant nitrogen fixing Bacteria and their use as biofertilizers and for mercury bioremediation. , Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47, 2015 61- Safdar, Sidra, Ali, Z., Sultan, S., Ahmed, S., Colbeck,I and Nasir, Z.A. 2015.,; Assessment of airborne microflora in the indoor micro-environments of residential houses of Lahore, Pakistan. , Aerosol and Air Quality Research. , , 2015 62- Mahmood, S., Rehman, Y. and Hasnain, S. 2015.,; Cross-Kingdom Pathogenicity across Plants and Human Beings., Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology, , 2015 63- Junaid, K., Rehman, A., Saeed, T., Jolliffe, D.A.,Wood, K. and Martineau, A.R.2015.,; Genotype-independent association between profound vitamin D deficiency and delayed sputum smear conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis. , BMC Infectious Diseases , 0.81597222222, 2015 64- Junaid, K., Rehman, A., Jolliffe, D.A., Wood, K. and Martineau, A.R.. 2015.,; High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among women of child-bearing age in Lahore Pakistan, associating with lack of sun exposure and illiteracy. , BMC Women's Health, 0.68263888889, 2015 65- Sohail, M., Khurshaid, M., Saleem, H.G.M., Javed, H and Khan, A.A. 2015.,; Characteristic and antibiotic resistance of urinary track pathogens isolated from Punjab, Pakistan. , Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 8(7):, 2015 66- Khan, K., Hussain, S.Z., Rehman, A., Zulfiqar, S. and Shakoori, A.R. 2015.,; Evaluation of cadmium resistant bacterium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, isolated from industrial wastewater for its potential use to bioremediate environmental cadmium. , Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47(6): 1533-1543., 2015 67- Sohail, M., Sultana, Q., Rasool, K., Sarwar, S., Basit, A and Khalid, M. 2015.,; Bacteremia prediction by inflammatory factors and recent trends in drug resistance of bacteria isolated from blood stream infection, Journal of Infection and Molecular Biology, 3(3): 75-80., 2015 68- Akhtar., Majeed, A., Majeed, S., Majeed, S., Kanwal, S and Javed, H. 2015.,; Hepatitis-C virus infection: Sero-prevalence and risk factor in staff nurses of Lahore, Pakistan., Professional Medical Journal, 22(10):, 2015 69- Javed, H and Jamil, N. 2015.,; Utilization of mustard oil for the production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, The Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 0.49444444444, 2015 70- Sarwar, S., Saleem, K., Fatima, W., Sabri, A.N. 2015,; Detection of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases producing MRSA from hospital waste water in Lahore. , Science International, Lahore, 27(1):399-402, 2015 71- Raza, F.A., Sabri, A.N., Rehman, A and Hasnain, S 2015.,; Characterization of thermophilic alkaline lipase produced by Staphylococcus aureus suitable for leather and detergent industries, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A:Science, , 2015 72- Raza, F.A., Sabri, A.N., Rehman, A and Hasnain, S 2015.,; Impact of Plant Extracts and Antibiotics on Biofilm Formation of Clinical Isolates from Otitis Media., Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, , 2015 73- Hayat, S and Sabri, A.N. 2015 ,; Screening for antibiofilm and antioxidant activities of turmeric (Curcuma longa) extracts., Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 29, 2015 74- Zaid, M. and Jamil, N., 2015,; Production and in-vitro Evaluation of Bioplastic produced by bacteria using Bagasse, Dr. Md. Aminur Rahman and Dr. AkosLakatos (eds), , International Conference on Chemical, Food and Environment Engineering, ISBN 978-93-84468-14-9, , 2015 75- Hussain A, Mumtaz HM, Aslam MS, Abbas Z (2015).,; Seroprevalence of transfusion based transmissible infections among clinically healthy donors in the community of Multan, Pakistan. , Journal of Infectious Molecular Biology, 3(2), 2015 76- Aslam, M.S., Khalid, T., Gull, I., Abbas, Z and Athar, M.A (2015).,; Identification of Major Allergens of Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia Papyrifera) Pollens and Purification of Novel 40 kDa Allergen Protein. , Current Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 28 (1): 36-41., 2015 77- Akbar, M.Z. 2015,; ICT Initiatives in a Developing Country – A Brief Study, Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education, 4:185-190, 2015 Year: 2014 1- Sajid, I., Shaaban, K.A. and Hasnain, S.,; Purification and structre elucidation of the polyether antibiotic alborixin from streptomyces pulcher CRF17, British Journal of Pharmacetical research, 4(6), 2014 2- Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman,; Demographic and clinico-epidemiological features of dengue fever in faisalabad, Pakistan, PLOS one, 9, 2014 3- Tanvir, R., Sajid, I. and Hansain, S,; Larvicidal potential of astraceae family endophytic actinomycetes against culex quinquefasciatus mosquito larve, Natural product research, 28, 2014 4- Dr Shafiq ur Rehman,; Nano gold particles mediated detection of NSI; an early diagnostic marker of dengue virus infection, The Jornal of Animal & Plant sciences, 24, 2014 5- Chaudhary, M., Hansain S., Snitz, B.E., Wang, X., Rosenthal, S., Demirci, F.Y., Kamboh, M.I. ,; Association of APOE polymorphisms and stressful life events with demtntia in a pakistani population, Neuroscience letter, 570, 2014 6- Dr. Mehboob Ahmed,; The morphology and bioctivity of the rice field cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya, Revista de biologia tropical, 62, 2014 7- Athar M.A., Akbar, A., Khan, Y.H., Ali, I., Mehmood, U., Sabri, A.N., Hasnain, S., ,; Characterization of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soils, Journal of pure applied microbiology, 8(6), 2014 8- Dr. Mehboob Ahmed,; Isolation, characterization and localization of exo-polysaccharides cyanobacterium arthrospira platensis strain MMG-9, European Journal of phycology, 49, 2014 9- Yasin, M., Faisal, M,; Comparative effect of selenium and selenium tolerant microbes on brachiaria reptans I. growth, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 46(6), 2014 10- Dr. Mehboob Ahmed,; Auxin synthesis and root colonization potential of two rhizospheric unicellular cyanobacteria, Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 24, 2014 11- Faisal, M,; Detoxification of carcinogenic Cr(VI) by combined action of Bacillus pumilus-S4 and pseudomonas doudoroffii-S5 in associated with hygrophyte, Journal of pure and applied micrbiology, 8(6), 2014 12- Dr. Mehboob Ahmed,; Antibacterial and antifungal activities of the brown alga zonariatournefortii (J.V.Lamouroux)., Allelopathy Journal, 34, 2014 13- Hussain, Z., and Hussain, N,; Detection of nDNA antibidies in rheumatoid arthritis patients by an immune fluorescent technique, African Journal of biotechnology, 13(38), 2014 14- Dr. Rida Batool,; Comparative study of Cr (VI) removal by exiguobacterium sp. In free and immobilzed forms, Bioremediation journal, 18, 2014 15- Riaz, S,; Obesity as risk facto for diabetes melitus in the local population on Pakistan, Univeral journal of clinical medicine, 2(3), 2014 16- Dr. Rida Batool,; Impact of environmental stress on biochemical parameters of bacteria reducing chromium, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 45(2), 2014 17- Hussain, S.U. Rehman, Aslam, S, Javed, N. and Abbas, Z.,; Development of device based on nano-gold particles to detect NSI; an early diagnostic marker of dengue virus infection, Journal of Animal and Plant sciences, 24(4), 2014 18- Dr. Samreen Riaz,; Analysis of uropathogenes among type II diabetic patients in Pakistani population, Advances in diabetes and metabolism. Horizon research publishing, USA. , 2(2), 2014 19- Aslam, M.S., Naveed, S., Ahmed, A., Abbas, Z., Gull, I., Athar, M.A,; Side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients and evaluation of patient's opinion about starvation based differential chemotheraphy, Journal of cancer therapy, 5, 2014 20- Dr. Saria Malik &
(Dr. Sadaf, SBS)
,; Novel lip pit phenotypes and mutations of IRF6 in van der woude syndrome patients from Pakistan, Clinical genetics, 85, 2014 21- Ahmed, M., Stal, L.J. and Hasnain, S.,; Biofilm formation and indole 3-Acetic acid production by two rhizospheric unicellular cyanobacteria, Journal of microbiology and biotechnology, 24(8), 2014 22- Dr. Nousheen Zehra Zaidi,; Cancer cells differentially activate and thirve on de novo lipid syntheis pathways in a low lipid environment, PLOS one, 9, 2014 23- Akbar, S., Sultan, S. and Kertesz, M.,; Determination of cypermethrin degradation potential of soil bacteria along with plant growth promoting characteristics, Current microbiology, 70(1), 2014 24- Dr. Nousheen Zehra Zaidi,; De novo lipogenesis in heath and disease, Metabolism, 63, 2014 25- Hassan, A., Ali, B. and Sajid I.,; Antimicrobial screening and metabolic fingerprinting of soil bacilli against urinary tract infections (UTIs) causing E. coli., Science International (Lahore), 26(4), 2014 26- Dr. Nousheen Zehra Zaidi,; Atypical plasma lipid profile in cancer patients: cause or consequence, Biochimie, 102, 2014 27- Jamil, Ali. And Ali, B,; L-tryptophan amendments enhanced auxin production and growth of triticum aestivum L by rhizobacteria, Asian Journal of agriculture and biology, 2(4), 2014 28- Dr. Zakia Latif,; Bioremediation of mercury compunds by using immobilized nitrogen fixing bacteria, International Journal of Agriculutre and biology, 16, 2014 29- Rana, S., Munawar M., Shahid, Al, Malik, M., Ullah H., Fatima, W., Moshin., S., Mahmood S.,; Deregulated expression of circadian clock and clocl-controlled cell cycle genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Molecular Biology reports, 41(1), 2014 30- Dr. Zakia Latif,; GC-MS Characterization of antibacterial activity evaluation of nigella sativa oil against diverse strains of salmonella, Natural product research, 10.108, 2014 31- Akbar, S., Sultan, S. an Kertesz, M.,; Bacterial community analysis in chlorpyrifos enrichment cultures via DGGE and use of bacterial consortium for CP biodegradation, World Journal of Microbiology and biotechnology, 30(10), 2014 32- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Swimming, swarming, twitchinh and chemotractic responses of cupiavidus metallidurans CH34 and pseudomonas putida mt2 in the presence of cadmium, Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology, 66(3), 2014 33- Chaudhary, M., Hasnain, S., Wang, X., Snitz, B.E., Bamne, M.N,Rosenthal, S., Demirci, F.Y. and Kamboh, M.I. ,; Association anaysis of 23 susceptibility loci with risk of dementia in a pakisani population, Psychiatry research, 225, 2014 34- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Physiocochemical surface properties of cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 and Pseudomonas putida mt2 under cadmium stress, Journal of basic microbiology, 54(4), 2014 35- Zia, N and Faisal, M,; Detoxification of selenite to elemental selenium by exo-polysaccharides producing desert isolates, Conference Proceedings, , 2014 36- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Characterization of thermostable alkaline protease from staphylococcus aureus S-2 isolated from chikcen waste, Pakistan Journal of zoology, 46(4), 2014 37- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Cadmium resistance mechanism in the bacteria cupriavidus metallidurans, Archieves of Environmental contamination and toxicology, 67(2), 2014 38- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Redox proteomics changes in the funal pathogen trichosporon asahii on arsenic exposure: identification of protein responses to metal induced oxidative stree in an environmentally sampled isoalte, PLOS one, 9(7), 2014 39- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Uptake of mercury by a bacterium, pseudomonas sp. AN29, isolated from industrial effluetns and its potential use in wastewater treatment, Iranian journal of science and technology, 38A3, 2014 40- Dr. Muhammad Faisal,; Characterization and metal detoxification potenial of moderately thermophilic bacilus cereus from geothermal springs of himalaya, Brazilian achieves of biology and technology, 57, 2014 41- Dr. Imran Sajid and Dr. Basharat Ali,; Isolation and detection of escherichia coli O157 from potable water system of Lahore, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of zoology, 46(5), 2014 42- Dr. Imran Sajid and Dr. Basharat Ali,; Insecticidal activyt of actinomycetes isolated from salt range, Pakistan against mosquitoes and red flour beetle, Pakistan journal of zoology , 46(1), 2014 43- Dr. Basharat Ali,; Waterborne escherichia coli: biosafety and screening as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, Journal of pure and applied micrbiology, 0.073, 2014 44- Dr. Basharat Ali,; Auxin production by phyllospheric bacteria and their growth promoting effecs on cicer arietinum L , Global journal of scientific researches, 2(1), 2014 45- Dr. Nageen Hussain,; Mutational analysis of DNASE I gene in diabetic patients, Journal of advances in biotechnology, 3(3), 2014 46- Dr. Nageen Hussain,; Association of ACE I/D polymorphism with diabetes, Journal of advances in Biotechnology, 3(3), 2014 47- Dr. Nageen Hussain,; Association between ACE I/D Gene Polymorphism and Hypertension in smokers, Journal of advances in biotechnology, 4(1), 2014 48- Dr. Nazia Jamil,; Optimization of biodegradable plasticproduction on sugar cane molasses in Enterobacter s/. SEL2, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 45(2), 2014 49- Dr. Nazia Jamil,; Enhanced biosynthesis of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) from potato starch by facillus cereus strain 64-ins in a laboratory scale fermenter, Perpartive biochemistry and biotechnology, 44, 2014 50- Dr. Anjum Nasim Sabri, Dr. Imran Sajid and Dr. Zaigham Abbas,; Effect of crude extracs of selected actinomycetes on biofilm formation of A. schindleri, M. Aci, and B. cereus, Journal of basic microbiology, 54, 2014 51- Dr. Anjum Nasim Sabir,; Histomorphological changes in Hypertrophied tonsils in children, Pakistan Journal of medical & Health sciences, 8, 2014 Year: 2013 1- Tehmina Ajum, Basharat Ali and Aqeel Ahmad,; Screening of native Bacilus strains to induce systemic resistance in tomato plants agains Fusarium wilt in split system and its field applications, Internatinal Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 15, 2013 2- Imran Sajid, Shahida Hasnain,; Screening for type I polyketide synthases genes of endophytic streptomycets isolated from Parthimiun histerophorus L, Mocleular Genetics, Micribiology and Virology, 28(1), 2013 3- Basharat Ali,; Growth and yield enhancement of triticum aestivum L. by rhizobacteria isolated from agronomic plants, Australian Journal of Crop Sciences, 7(10), 2013 4- Warda Fatima,; Deregulated expression of circadian clock and clock-controled cell cycle genes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Molecular Biology Reports, , 2013 5- Anjum Nasim Sabri,; Screening characterization and biofilm formation of nickel resistant bacteria isolated from indigenous environment., Polish Journal Microbiology, 62, 2013 6- Mehboob Ahmed,; Recent trends in antibiotics susceptibility pattern of pseudomonas sp. Isolated from clinical samples of Punjab, Pakistan, Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 32(8), 2013 7- Nazia Jamil,; Enhanced biosynthesis of poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) from potato starch by Bacillus cereus strain64-ins in a laboratory scale fermenter, Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, , 2013 8- Nousheen Zaidi,; Lipogenesis and lipolysis: the pathways exploited by the cancer cells to acquire fatty acids, Progress in Lipid Research, 52, 2013 9- Nageen Hussain,; Clinical and Laboratory manifestations of SLE in Pakistani lupus patients, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45(3), 2013 10- Muhammad Faisal,; Inoculatin of plant growth promoting bacteria ochrobactrum intermedium, brevibacterium sp. And Bacillus cereus induce plant gowth parameters, Journal of Applied Biotechnology, 1, 2013 11- Muhammad Faisal,; Growth promotin of maize by desiccation tolerant microococcus luteus-chp37 isolated from Cholistan desert, Pakistan, Australian Jornal of Crop Sciences, 7(11), 2013 12- Yasir Rehman, Muhammad Faisal, and Shahida Hasnain,; Arsenic and Chromium reductionin Co-Cultures of Bacteria isolated from industrial sites in Pakistan, Microbiology, 82(4), 2013 13- Muhammad Faisal,; Assessing the phytotoxicity of tanneries waste contaminated soil on Zea mays (Lin) growth, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 22(6), 2013 14- Abdul Rehman,; Charactrization of cellulose degrading bacterium bacillus megaterium S3, isolated from indigenous environment, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45, 2013 15- Zakia Latif,; Detoxification of mercury pollutant by immobilized yeast strain candida xylopsoci, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 45, 2013 16- Aisha Waheed and Anjum Nasim Sabri,; Osmolyte accumulation in moderately halophilic bacteria improves tolerance of chickpea, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 45(3), 2013 17- Ilyas, S. and Rehman A.,,; Decolorization and detoxifiction of Synozol red HF-6BN azo dye, by Aspergillus niger and Nigrospora sp., Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Sciences & Engineering, 10(12), 2013 18- Ejaz, S., F.Z. Rizvi, S., Anwar. Faisal, M,; Biotransformation potential od Cr (VI) by Bacillus pumilus- S4, Pseudomonas doudoroffii S5 and exiguobacterium-S8 in association with hydrophytes, Int J Environ Sci Technol, 10, 2013 19- Sulman, S. and Rehman, A.,; Isolation and Characterization of Cellulose Degrading Candida tripicalis W2 from environmental samples, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 45(3), 2013 20- Basir , M.F., Haider, M.S., Rashid N. Riaz, S.,; Core gene expression and associaton of genotypes with viral load in HCV infected patients of Punjab Pakistan, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12(3), 2013 21- Naeem, A., Batoo, R., and Jamil , N,; Cr(VI) reduction by Cellulosimicrobium sp. Isolated from tannery effluent., Turkish Journal of Biology, 37(3), 2013 22- Nageen Hussain,; Levels of IL-15 in SLE patients, International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciencs, 46(2), 2013 23- Nageen Hussain, Ghazala Jaffery,; Distribution of HLA alleles in SLE patients with Ace I/D pollymorphism, Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 13(1), 2013 24- Muhammad Yasin, Muhammad Faisal and Sikander Sultan,; Growth responses of Triticum aestivum after inoculating with Pseudomonas and Strnotrophomonas, African Journal of Micrbiology Research, 7, 2013 25- Mahwish Javaid and Sikander Sultan,; Plant growth promotion traits and Cr (VI) reduction potentials of Cr (VI) resistant streptomyces strains, Journal of Basic Microbiology, 53, 2013 26- Maik S, Wilcox E, Nax S.,; Novel Lip pit phenotypes and mutations of IRF6 in Van der woude syndrome parients from Pakistan, Clinical Genetics, DOI:
ge.12207, 2013 27- Tanveer, R., Sajid, I., Hasnain, S.,; Screening for type I polyketide synthases genes of endophytic streptomycetes isoalted from Parthimiun histerophorus L, Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology, 28(1), 2013 28- Sajid, I., Shaaban, K., A., Hasnain, S.,; Purification and identification of bioactive angucyclinones from Streptomyces matensis BG5, isolated from the rhizosphere of Rosa Indica L. 7, Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 43, 2013 29- Tanveer, R., Sajid, I., Hasnain, S,; Screening of endophytic streptomycetes isloated from parthenium hysterophorus L. against nosocomial pathogens., Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 26(2), 2013 Year: 2012 1- Abdul Hameed and Shahida Hasnain,; Isolation and Molecular identification of metal resistant Synechocystis from polluted areas, African Journal of Microbiological Research, 6(3): 648-652, 2012 2- Saba Shamim, and Abdul Rehman,; Cadmium resistance and accumulation potential of Klebsiella pneumonia strain CBL-1 isolated from industrial wastewater., Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 44(1):203-208, 2012 3- Batool, R., Yrjala, K. and Hasnain, S.,; Hexavalent chromium reduction by bacteria from tannery effluent., Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 22 (4): 547-554, 2012 4- Nighat Naheed, Nazia Jamil, Shahida Hasnain and Ghulam Abbas,; Biosynthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate in Enterobacter sp. SEL2 and Enterobacteriaceae bacterium sp. PFW1 using sugar cane molasses as media, African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(16) 3321-3332, 2012 5- Munuaza Kiran, Shazia Afrasayab, ., Zaigham Abbas, Muhammad Faisal, and Shahida Hasnain,; Plant growth promoting capability of Azotobacter as mono and mix culture on Vigna radiata, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6: 1291-1296, 2012 6- C. S. Sheik Mitchell, T.W. Rizvi, F.Z., Rehman, Y., Faisal, M., Hasnain, S. McInerney, M.J, and Krumholz, L.R,; Exposure of soil microbial communities to chromium and arsenic from tannery waste alters their diversity and structure, Plos One, 7(6): e40059. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040059, 2012 7- Saba Riaz, Muhammad Faisal, and Shahida Hasnain,; Prevalence and comparison of Beta-lactamase producing E. coli and Klebsiella spp from clinical and environmental sources in Lahore, Pakistan., African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(2): 465-470, 2012 8- Samreen Sarwar, Mehboob Ahmed and Shahida Hasnain,; Phylogenomic analysis of polyketide synthase genes in actinomycetes: structural analysis of KS domains and modules of polyketide synthases., , International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, 5(2): 89-110, 2012 9- Sikander Sultan and Shahida Hasnain,; Chromium (VI) Reduction by Cell Free Extract of Ochrobactrum anthropi Isolated from Tannery Effluent , Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 89: 152-157, 2012 10- Sikander Sultan, Khansa Mubashar and Mohammad Faisal,; Uptake of toxic Cr (VI) by biomass of exo-polysaccharides producing bacterial strains, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(13): 3329-3336, 2012 11- Hira Muzzamal, Rabbia Sarwar, Imran Sajid and Shahida Hasnain,; Isolation, identification and screening of endophytic bacteria antagonistic to biofilm formers., Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 44(1): 249-257., 2012 12- Anwar Husain and Shahida Hasnain,; Comparative assessment of the efficacy of bacterial and cyanobacterial phytohormones in plant tissue culture , World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28: 1459-1466, 2012 13- Zaigham Abbas, Anjum Nasim Sabri and Basharat Ali ,; Antimicrobial activity of biocides against different microorganisms isolated from biodeterioated paints., Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 44(2): 576-579, 2012 Year: 2011 1- Ismail-Ben Ali, A., El Bour, M., Ktari, L., Bolhuis, H., Ahmed, Mehboob, Boudabbous, A. and Stal, L.J.,; Jania rubens associated bacteria: molecular identification and antimicrobial activity., Journal of Applied Phycology, , 2011 2- Akhtar, S. and Ali, Basharat,; Evaluation of rhizobacteria as non-rhizobial inoculants for mung beans., Australian Journal of Crop Science, 5(13), 2011 3- Sanai, M. and Hussain, Nageen,; Levels of inflammatory markers (Complement C3, C4 and CRP) in smokers., African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(82), 2011 4- Naheed, N., Jamil, Nazia and Hasnain, S.,; Screening of contaminated soils for biodegradable plastic producing bacteria and profiling of their resistance markers., African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5, 2011 5- Shafaat, S., Akram, M. and Rehman, Abdul,; Isolation and characterization of a thermostable ?-amylase from Bacillus subtilis. , African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5(28), 2011 6- Butt, A.S. and Rehman, Abdul,; Isolation of arsenite-oxidizing bacteria from industrial effluents and their potential use in wastewater treatment., World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27, 2011 7- Riaz, Saba, Faisal, Muhammad, Hasnain, Shahida and Khan, N.A.,; Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of Acacia nilotica Lam (Mimosaceae) methanol extracts against extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 10(6), 2011 8- Amin, A. and Latif, Zakia,; Isolation and characterization of H2S producing yeast to detoxify mercury containing compounds, International Research Journal of Microbiology, 2, 2011 9- Aisha Waheed Qurashi and Anjum Nasim Sabri ,; Biofilm formation in moderately halophilic bacteria is influenced by varying salinity levels., Journal of Basic Microbiology, , 2011 10- Aisha Waheed Qurashi and Anjum Nasim Sabri ,; Alleviation of salt stress by Halomonas sp. and osmolytes in Zea mays., African Journal of Biotechnology, 10, 2011 11- Aisha Waheed Qurashi and Anjum Nasim Sabri,; Osmoadaptation and plant growth promotion by salt tolerant bacteria under salt stress., African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5, 2011 12- Alvi, F.M., Choudhri, A. and Hasnain, Shahida,; Blood selenium status in normal Punjabi population of Pakistan., Biological Tarce Element Research, 143, 2011 13- Mazhar, S. and Hasnain, Shahida,; Screening of native plant growth promoting cyanobacteria and their impact on Triticum aestivum var Uqab 2000 growth., African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6, 2011 14- Hussain, A. and Hasnain, Shahida ,; Interactions of bacterial cytokinins and IAA in the rhizosphere may alter phytostimulatory efficiency of rhizobacteria., World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27, 2011 15- Nawaz, S.K. and Hasnain, Shahida ,; Effect of ACE polymorphisms on the association between noise and hypertension in a Pakistani population., Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System, 12, 2011 16- Nawaz, S.K. and Hasnain, Shahida,; Effects of noise exposure on catalase activity of growing lymphocytes., Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 11, 2011 Year: 2010 1- Dr. Imran Sajid,; Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures, and antibacterial activity of some new 1-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)-3-aryl thioureas. , Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 34: 1-11. , 34, 2010 2- Ms. Samreen Riaz,; Study of Protein profiling of human urine in diabetic hypertensive nephropathy versus normal healthy controls. , Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 12 (5): 379-386. , 12, 2010 3- Ms. Samreen Riaz,; Proteomic Identification of human urine biomarkers in diabetes mellitus type-2.., Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 12 (12): 979-988. , 12, 2010 4- Dr. Muhammad Faisal,; Comparative assessment of Selenite detoxification to elemental selenium by Bacillus group., Biotechnology Letters. 32: 1255-1259, 32, 2010 5- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Cadmium uptake by yeast, Candida tropicalis, isolated from industrial effluents and its potential use in wastewater clean-up operations., Water, Air, and Soil Pollution., 205: 149-159, 205, 2010 6- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Multiple heavy metal tolerant ciliates, Oxytricha fallax and Paramecium caudatum, isolated from industrial effluents and their potential use in wastewater treatment, Pakistan. 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42 (2): 301-309., 42, 2010 7- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Isolation and characterization of arsenic reducing bacteria from industrial effluents and their potential use in bioremediation of wastewater., Pakistan. Journal of Zoology,
42 (2): 331-338, 42, 2010 8- Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Resistance and uptake of heavy metals by Vorticella microstoma and its potential use in industrial wastewater treatment., Environ. Prog. Sustain. Energy
29(4): 481-486, 29, 2010 9- Dr. Samina Mehnaz,; Genotypic and phenotypic diversity of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria associated with sugarcane growing in Pakistan. , Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20 (12), 20, 2010 10- Dr. Samina Mehnaz,; Growth promoting effects of corn (Zea mays) bacterial isolates under greenhouse and field conditions. , Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42 (10): 1848-1856 , 42, 2010 11- Dr. Samina Mehnaz,; Determination and distribution of cry-type genes in halophilc Bacillus thuringiensis isolates of Arabian Sea sedimentary rocks, Microbiological Research,
165 (5): 376-383, 165, 2010 12- Dr. Zakia Latif,; Strategies to control Potato virus Y under in vitro conditions., Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology. 22.01, 22, 2010 13- Dr. Zakia Latif,; In vitro induction of mutation in potato cultivars, Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology. 22: 1, 22, 2010 14- Dr. Zakia Latif,; Viability assessment of in vitro produced synthetic seeds of cucumber., African journal of Biotechnology, 9(42): 7026-7032, 9, 2010 15- Dr. Anjum Nasim Sabri,; Isolate-Specific Effects of Patulin, Penicillic Acid and EDTA on Biofilm Formation and Growth of Dental Unit Water Line Biofilm Isolates. , Current Microbiology, 61(2): 148-156. , 61, 2010 16- Dr. Anjum Nasim Sabri,; A Laboratory Approach to Characterize Biocides Resistant Isolates from Dental Unit Water Line Biofilms. , Asian Journal of Experimental and Biological Sciences, 1 (2): 460 – 470., 1, 2010 17- Dr. Anjum Nasim Sabri,; Characterization of biocides resistant isolates from dental unit water line biofilms by culture dependent approach., African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology 11(1):129-136., 11, 2010 18- Dr. Shahida Hasnain / Dr.Anjum Nasim Sabri / Ms. Nageen Hussain,; Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene I/D polymorphism in Pakistani systemic lupus erythematosus patients., African Journal of Biotechnology. 9(48): 8134-8138., 9, 2010 19- Dr. Shahida Hasnain /
Dr. Basharat Ali /
Dr. Anjum Nasim Sabri,; Rhizobacterial potential to alter auxin content and growth of Vigna radiata (L.), World J Microbiol Biotechnol
(2010) 26:1379–1384, 26, 2010 20- Dr. Shahida Hasnain /
Dr. Abdul Rehman,; Cadmium biosorption by yeast, Candida tropicalis CBL-1, isolated from industrial wastewater, J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 56: 359-368., 56, 2010 21- Dr. Shahida Hasnain
Ms. Saira Malik
Dr. Shahida Malik,; Epidemiology of Van der Woude syndrome from mutational analyses in affected patients from Pakistan. , Clinical Genetics, 78: 247–256 , 78, 2010 22- Dr. Shahida Hasnain,; Agroforestry trends in Punjab, Pakistan., African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4(10): 639-650., 4, 2010 23- Dr. Shahida Hasnain/
Dr. Muhammad Faisal,; Cicer arietinum growth promotion by Ochrobactrum intermedium and Bacillus cereus in the presence of CrCl3 and K2CrO4., Annals of Microbiology, 60; 729-733, 60, 2010 24- Dr. Shahida Hasnain,; Noice induced hypertension and prehypertention in Pakistan., Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical science, 10(3): 239-244, 10, 2010 25- Dr. Shahida Hasnain,; Associations of non-heterocystous cyanobacteria with crop plants. , Plant and Soil, 336: 365-379, 336, 2010 26- Dr. Shahida Hasnain,; The production of indole-3-acetic acid by the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis strain-MMG-9, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,
20(9):1259-1265., 20, 2010 27- Dr. Shahida Hasnain /
Dr. Nazia Jamil,; Effect of zinc-phosphate-solubilizing bacterial isolates on growth of Vigna radiate., Annals of Microbiology,
60: 243-248, 60, 2010 28- Dr. Shahida Hasnain /
Dr. Muhammad Faisal,; Comparative study of Wild and transformed salt tolerant bacterial strains on Triticum aestivum growth under salt stress., Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 41 (4): 946-955., 41, 2010 29- Dr. Shahida Hasnain,; Rapid determination of cytokinins and auxin in cyanobacteria., Current Microbiology, 61:361-369, 61, 2010 30- Dr. Shahida Hasnain /
Ms. Saba Riaz,; Bacteriocins produced by L. fermentum and L .acidophilus can inhibit cephalosporin resistant E .coli., Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 41: 643-648., 41, 2010 31- Dr. Shahida Hasnain /
Dr. Nazia Jamil,; Bacteria from contaminated urban and hilly areas as a source of polyhydroxyanoates production, African Journal of Biotechnology, 9: 1919-1925, 9, 2010 32- Dr. Shahida Hasnain,; Purification and characterization of extracellular protease from Bacillus subtilis EAG-2 strain isolated from ornamental plant nursery, Polish Journal of Microbiology. 59 (2): 107-112, 59, 2010 33- Dr. Shahida Hasnain
Dr.Abdul Rehman,; Isolation and characterization of arsennite oxidizing Pseudomonas lubricans and its potential use in bioremediation of wastewater., African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(10): 1493-1498, 9, 2010 34- Dr. Shahida Hasnain/Ms Ambreen Ahmad,; Auxin producing Bacillus sp.: Auxin quantification and effect on the growth of Solanum tuberosum, Pure and Applied Chemistry,
82(1): 313-319., 82, 2010 Last Three Year Books Year: 2015 1- Misbah Aslam and Nazia Jamil,; Title: Plasmid encoded bacteriocin transformation studies in Alcaligenes and brevundimonas sp. The battle against microbial pathogens: Basic science, Technoloigcal advances and eductional programs A. Mendez Vilas (Ed.) Formatex Publisher: Formatex, Year: 2015 2- Butt, A and Malik, S,; Title: Microogranisms on currency notes and coins in circulation Publisher: LAP Lambert, Year: 2015 Year: 2010 1- Dr. Shahida Hasnain,; Title: Exo-polysaccharides roducing bacteria of salt lands- atiny weapon to combat salinity. Publisher: LAMBERT Academic opublishing
(Available on Amazon.com), Year: 2010 2- Ms. Samreen Riaz,; Title: Advances in Medicine and biology Publisher: Nova Science publishers, inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600, Hauppauge, N.Y.11788-3619, USA, Year: 2010 Seminar/ ConferencesConference Proceedings Year: 2014 1- Conference proceeding on Detoxification of selenite to elemental selenium by exo-polysaccharides producing desert isolates, Conference Proceedings, , 2014 Facilities1. Different test (water, food, soil analysis) can be provided on request Contacts
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