Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 32, No 1 (2022)

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Perceptions of teachers about the Use of Computers at Elementary Schools of Punjab, Pakistan

Muhammad Javid Qadir


            Digital divide is a social issue which refers to the individuals who are provided information technology and those who do not have access to these technologies.515 elementary schools were equipped with IT Labs in 2013. Objective of the study was to find the perceptions of elementary schools teachers about the use of computers in IT Labs. The population of the study included teachers of government elementary schools where IT Labs were established. The tool of the study was questionnaire consisting of two parts. The part first was having demographic information about the teacher. Part second included the perceptions regarding the use of computers in IT Labs. T The results of the study showed that teachers were not using computers because they had no confidence to use computers due to little knowledge of computer. Majority of teachers were not able to use computers because of  lack of time. It was also concluded in this study that lack of effective training was one of the  important barrier to use of ICT in teaching.

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