Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 29, No 1 (2019)

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Pre-Primary Students’ insights Regarding School, Teacher and their Education/Studies

Anjum Naz, Abida Nasreen, Abdul Qayyum


Perceptions are the depiction of personal experiences and significant to explore. The insights of children regarding school, teacher and education required a keen investigation to improve the teaching learning process for early aged children. The study aimed to explore the hidden concepts of early aged children and to find out the reason behind their specific impression. A qualitative phenomenological inquiry was planned and semi structured interview protocol was used to collect data. Formal consent of parents and school administered was taken before recording interviews of individual children aged 4-7 who were purposefully selected. Thematic analysis was done to extract the meaning of the data and it was found that children have contrasting insight about all three phenomena i.e. school, teacher and education.  The negative insight of school and teachers could affect the learning of the students and discourage them to feel good at school therefore it is suggested that insights of students should be unveiled and modified if found negative.




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