Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 29, No 1 (2019)

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Leveraging Tacit Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in Ngos-Run Elementary Schools in Punjab, Pakistan: Investigating the Role of Ethical Climate and Organizational Commitment

Muhammad Adnan Sial, Dr. Kashif Rathore, Mukaram Ali Khan


The study is conducted to understand the possible relationship of two dimensions of ethical climate vis-a-vis Benevolent Ethical Climate and Principle Ethical Climate with Tacit Knowledge Sharing Behaviour of the employees working in elementary school system run by third sector. In addition, role of Organizational Commitment as a mediator is also studied. The study was cross sectional, while, data was collected from field setting. For testing the proposed model, primary data was collected through questionnaires - developed by scales adopted from different studies. For validity and reliability of the scales, Confirmatory Factor Analysis was run by using AMOS. Whereas, hypotheses were tested through SEM by using AMOS. The study confirmed the mediating role of Organizational Commitment for Principle Ethical Climate and Benevolence Ethical Climate with Tacit Knowledge Sharing Behaviour.


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