Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 29, No 2 (2019)

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Negative Emotions and Self-Created Challenges of Novice Public-School Teachers in Managing Classroom

Ayesha Saleem, Dr. Yaar Muhammad, Dr sajid Masood


Teachers often struggle with their negative emotions and attempt to regulate these emotions during disciplining of their disruptive students. This study was designed to develop an understanding about the perceptions and experiences of novice public-school teachers regarding challenges they create for themselves because of their negative emotional expressive behavior in classroom. This study explored the variety of self-regulation strategies that teachers use to manage their vocal and physiological expressions of negative emotions. This study used basic qualitative research design. Purposive sampling technique was used to select twenty novice teachers from public-elementary schools in Lahore, all having less than three years of experience. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews from the participants. Thematic analysis of the interview data revealed that the teachers were aware of the fact that many classroom management challenges were created by their own negative emotional expressive behaviors. They were also aware of role of consistent anger and humiliating language of teachers in creating classroom management challenges for teachers. Moreover, they believe that non-seriousness towards teaching and snubbing certain students create challenges for teacher themselves. Majority of teachers agreed that they had been creating challenges for themselves in their class because of their negative emotional expressive behavior in classroom. However, few believed that they create challenges for themselves due to high tendency of anger in their class. This study recommends in-service professional development of novice teachers with respect to the management of emotions as well as development of support mechanism for novice teachers within schools for ensuring effective teaching-learning environments in classrooms.


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