Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 29, No 1 (2019)

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Attitude of Students about Learning Mathematics at Elementary Level

Abdul Qayyum Chaudhry, Misbah Malik, Noreen Rafiq


Mathematics is an important subject in the purpose of general education. Children are sent to school in order that they become useful member of the society and contribute for the welfare of their society and country. Quantitative approach and descriptive research design was used to conduct this study. The main objective of present study was to know the responses of students about their attitude for learning mathematics at elementary level. The Population of present study consisted of all the public and private elementary schools of Lahore city. A sample of 300 students was selected by using convenient sampling technique. Questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection. Descriptive statistics and independent sample t-test was applied to analyse the data. The results indicated that male and female students have the same responses about their attitude for learning Mathematics. Results of descriptive statistics showed that most of the students do not feel easy while they are in mathematics classroom, they do not think that mathematics is mush beneficial in their practical life, they think that they are good in other things as compare to mathematics, but they feel good if mathematics problems lead them to think out of the box. It is suggested that teachers should make students aware about the application of mathematics problems in their practical life pathways.




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