Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 29, No 1 (2019)

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Effectiveness and Transformation in Students’ Beliefs: A Case of Collaborative Teaching

Zafar Iqbal, Jahan Ara Shams


Comparison of collaborative and traditional teaching in enhancing mathematics students’ scores at 8th grade was the purpose of this study. It also investigated the transformation in the students’ beliefs about teaching of mathematics while studying through collaboration of teachers. An experimental design was used to conduct the experiment on 118 students. Three voluntary Mathematics teachers with same qualification were participating in the experiment. Mathematics achievement test consisting of 32 items were finalized from items pool developed by NEAS. The data through structured interviews were conducted three times in the study to investigate the transformation in students’ beliefs. The interviews were videotaped.  Data collected from test were analyzed by using average, standard deviation, and 2x2 ANOVA. The qualitative data were first transcribed then analyzed using percentages and line graph. It was found that teaching through collaborative settings improved students scores in mathematics as compared to traditional teaching and a clear positive transformation in beliefs of student’s was noted about teaching of mathematics. It was suggested to practice collaborative teaching to teach mathematics and to transform students believes about its teaching


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