Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 29, No 2 (2019)

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Factors of Pre-service Teacher Education Effecting the Elementary School Teacher’s Preparedness in Punjab

M. Zeki Tasdemir, Muhammad Zaheer Asghar, Ayesha Tahir


Educating teachers who are to transfer the academic knowledge as well as national and universal values to the youth is extremely vital. Adequately-prepared teachers contribute to better student performance, higher school effectiveness and the efficiency of an entire system of education in a country. Teacher education plays a crucial role in preparing future teachers. Quality of teachers is directly linked with the quality of the pre-service teacher education and training they receive professionally. This study is significant by observing the factors effecting pre-service teacher education in Punjab. The findings of this study will be a good basis for strengthening the quality of pre-service teacher education. The sample of this study was comprised of 400 elementary school teachers in Punjab. The instrument included participants’ demographic variables scales and predominant factors of pre-service teacher education. The researcher selected quantitative research methodology, descriptive analysis and inferential statistics and path analysis were conducted. The results examined by using SPSS software and AMOS 20.0 was used for the testing of Pre-service teacher education model through Structural Equation Model path analysis. The results studied the effect of demographic variables such as gender, age, qualification and teaching experience, Furthermore the effect of the significant factors observed. Data obtained from quantitative results has shown that pre-service teacher education of the elementary school teachers in general, curriculum, teaching practice, teacher proficiency and relevance of theory and practice have significant effect on teacher’s preparedness.


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