Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 29, No 2 (2019)

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Role of Principals' Motivational Strategies and Performance of Elementary Schools Teachers Regarding their Academic Qualification

Abdul Qayyum Chaudhry, Sumaira Munawar, Khadija Sittar


School heads used techniques of motivation for increasing the performance of teachers in teaching learning process. Head teachers encourage teachers to perform their duties devotedly by using different techniques. This study aimed  to find  the effect of  principals' motivational strategies on the performance of teachers on the basis of  their academic qualifications. All elementary  teachers working in  60 public schools of district Sheikhpura were the population of the study. Six hundred  elementary teachers were selected for sample  by using the technique of cluster random sampling. The study was  conducted to examine the effect of motivational techniques  used by schools'  principals  to develop  performance of  teachers on the basis of  their academic qualification . A   standardized research instrument as questionnaire was comprised of 48 items  from eight  most important techniques of motivation. Data of statistical analysis showed  significant difference  exist among  factors such as appreciation, recognition, performance appraisal, monetary benefits and rewards and  promotion.  It is recommended that heads may offer award and gifts to teachers for developing their  performance in academic activities.



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