Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 30, No 1 (2020)

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Peaceful Textbooks: A Content Analysis

Mehreen Ashraf, Afshan Huma


The advancement of social, economic and political conditions in the present world could not lead to shaping of behaviors desired for a peaceful society. This underpins the call for promotion of global peace through education. The present study examined the primary school text books in terms of peace themes mentioned in the thematic model for peace education curriculum proposed by Balasooriya in 2001. Quantitative content analysis using Shannon Entropy was done to trace the extent of peace themes representation in the text books. Next, thematic analysis was used to yield a comprehensive explanation for triangulation purpose. The sample included all the six text books of grade five - Urdu, English, Mathematics, General Science, Social Studies and Islamiat - taught in public schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It was found that peace themes were not integrated into the curriculum of Mathematics while Urdu text book was better aligned with the peace themes mentioned in the model.

Keywords: Peace education, primary school, text books, Shannon Entropy



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