Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 31, No 1 (2021)

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Vocabulary Acquisition through Systematic Instructional Strategies at Early Grades

Asia Zulfqar, Syed Nasir Hussain, Fakhra Aziz


Vocabulary development is one of the key features to improve reading, writing, speaking and comprehension of a language at early grades. It is usually considered as a major indicator in students’ performance at the level of early childhood education. Considering the importance of vocabulary development, this research was planned to explore the current level of vocabulary of students and effects of systematic instructional strategies on vocabulary acquisition of grade 1 students. Convenient sampling technique was adopted to involve students in this research. A section of grade 1 of 27 students from a model school was selected to conduct this study. A multiple-choice test based on 25 questions was constructed to study the current level of students in relation to their vocabulary. One-group pretest-posttest research design was adopted to conduct this action research. The results of the pre-action test depicted a significant deficiency of students’ learning of vocabulary. Based on the pre-test results, an action was planned based on multiple instructional strategies to enhance students’ vocabulary. A paired sample t-test was applied on the collected data to identify the improvements in their vocabulary. Post-test results showed significant improvements in students’ performance. Next to discussion, limitations of this study and directions for future research also presented.


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