Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 30, No 1 (2020)

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Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Self-Efficacy as Mediation between Parental Involvement and Academic Achievement of Elementary Students

Irshad Hussain, Sarwat Sultan, Frasat Kanwal, Sabiha Hameed Rahmani


This study explored the role of academic self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation in mediating relationship of parental involvement with students’ achievement at elementary level. Employing random sampling technique, a sample of 373 students; 183 boys and 190 girls was recruited from four public sector elementary schools of Multan city. A survey-based questionnaire measuring the research variables was administered to collect the data. Students’ grades in Board’s examination were used as achievement scores of the students. The results demonstrated significantly positive linkage of involvement of parents and students’ achievement. Similarly, “intrinsic motivation and academic self-efficacy” were found to be “mediating the relationship between parental involvement and academic achievement” of students. These findings would be useful for the parents and school teachers in a way that could be helping in enhancing the students' performance by increasing parents’ involvement in educational matters of children. 


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