Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 30, No 1 (2020)

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Assessing the Reading Fluency at Elementary Level in English

Mubashira Khalid, Tanveer Iqbal, Shazia bibi


Reading is basic element of learning and the students who are unable to read at grade one tends to fall behind in learning at later stages. Various studies indicated that there is poor reading of school children in Pakistan. The main idea of the study was to explore the reading fluency which is a part of reading.  This study was performed on grade four students. The objectives of the study were: (1) To find the effect of Reading Aloud, Pair Reading and Repeated Reading activities on fluency. (2) To compare the pre-test accuracy, automaticity and prosody of students with post-test. (3) Explore the gender-wise difference in students regarding English reading fluency at grade four level in Lahore. The experimental design was applied to assess English reading fluency at grade four. All Elementary schools students were the target population of the study. An Elementary school was selected for experimental study. One intact groups of the students (12, male and 12 female) were selected for pre-test and post-test experiment. The researchers studied fluency by checking speed, accuracy, automaticity and expression. After the data collection the mean and standard deviations were calculated. For comparison of difference between pre and post-test, the t-test was implemented. The results revealed that majority of the students reading fluency improved significantly in post-test.

Key Words: Reading Fluency; Reading Aloud; Pair Reading; Repeated Reading; Speed;                                               Accuracy; Automaticity and Expression


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