Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 31, No 2 (2021)

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Study of Gaps between Intended and Enacted Formative Assessment Techniques: National Curriculum 2006 Perspective

Haq Nawaz, Rafaqat Ali Akbar


Assessment is primary component of curriculum that provides information about teaching learning process. Formative assessment provides feedback of improving learning and teaching for both students and teachers during classroom practices. Classroom tests, checking workbooks, portfolio, projects, homework, assignments, quizzes and peer work are common formative assessment techniques of curriculum. Study was descriptive in nature and quantitative research design was used to explore gaps between intended and enacted formative assessment techniques stated in national curriculum 2006 by teachers. Current study was planned to study gaps between intended curriculum and enacted curriculum regarding formative assessment. Sample of the study consisted of 361 teachers working in public sector schools of Punjab selected applying stratified multistage proportionate sampling technique. Data were collected by administering self-developed questionnaire having nine items mode of dichotomous and 5-point Likert type rating scale. Reliability of instrument was confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s Alpha scores; .846. Collected data were entered in SPSS and mean, percentage, standard deviation and independent sample t-test was applied. Results of the study show that 59% formative assessment techniques were used and 41% gap was existed between intended and enacted formative assessment techniques of national curriculum. Results further declared no significant difference between usage of assessment techniques by teachers’ locality; urban teachers used more formative assessment techniques as compared to rural teachers for curriculum implementation. Study recommended that teachers provided training with formative assessment techniques and head teachers ensure enactment of curriculum based formative assessment techniques.


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