Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 30, No 2 (2020)

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Role of Diversity Practices in Teachers’ Organizational Commitment: A Study of Elementary School Teachers

Hina Saleem, Wafa Saghir



A great deal of study has been dedicated to “Workforce diversity”. Despite an increasing number of studies, few reliable conclusions have yet to be reached about the experiences and consequences of diversity. When we managed the ‘Employee Diversity’ effectively, it will encourage employees’ to add value to their organization. This research outlines and tests the employee’s commitment to the organization. Through this research, we are seeking a new way of opening the so-called “black box” amongst the diversity practices and the commitment of employees to the organization. The nature of this study design was basically “cross-sectional” and a “quantitative technique” was used for data analysis. The data was collected from different teachers who are currently working in the elementary schools of Lahore, Pakistan. The data was gathered with the help of a standardized questionnaire survey. For data collection “snowball sampling technique” was applied. The total sample size of this research was 300. The instrument was borrowed and adapted from different authors for determining the scale reliability by using the technique known as Cronbach Alpha. After examining the reliability, check the data normality. Run the Pearson Correlation tests, in order to determine the relationship between the two variables. From findings, it tells that the “diversity practices and Organizational Commitment of the employees of elementary schools have shown a moderate connection because their values lie within the given range which is statistically significant”.



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