Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 31, No 1 (2021)

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Victoria Joseph





This quantitative research study measures the elementary teachers’ perception on formative assessment pre and post workshop facilitation on formative assessment among the elementary teachers of private community schools in Karachi across gender and the years of teaching experience. The study unveils the background information, aims, scope, objectives and the researcher’s interest in selecting the particular topic for research. Further on the study explored the subscales of formative assessment, corrective feedback and self and peer assessment. Teachers’ Attitude towards Formative Assessment and Corrective Feedback (TAFACFQ) questionnaire was adapted from the literature, which contained 24 items, and was developed by Fakeye (2016) for finding out various factors which influence students learning during the teaching learning process. Data were collected from three private community schools in Karachi. Independent samples t-test was used to compare differences across gender, pre and post change of perceptions and the years of teaching experience.  On the whole, results revealed that the male teachers perceptions were better on formative assessment than the female teachers, and the teachers with less than 5 years of teaching experience perceived poorly than the teachers who had more than 10 years of teaching experience, teachers had tremendous measure of change in their perception on formative assessment in the post workshop on the formative assessment.




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