Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 28, No 2 (2018)

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Comparison of the Collegial Practices and Beliefs of Public and Private School Teachers at Elementary Level in Punjab

Mohammad Iqbal, Zanobia Ajmal, Nadia Faisal


The study was undertaken to investigate the collegial practices and beliefs of public and private school teachers at the elementary level in Sahiwal Division. This study was descriptive in nature where survey method was used to collect data for teachers regarding their collegial practices. Interviews were conducted to measure their beliefs. Samples of 400 teachers from public and private schools included 200 teachers from public elementary schools and 200 from private school teachers which were further subdivided into 100 male and 100 female teachers from each stream? The sample was selected by using simple random method. The researcher also developed an open ended interview protocol to measure the collegial beliefs of teaches in public and private elementary school. The data were inserted into SPSS for the purpose of analyses. Descriptive and the inferential statistics were employed to analyze quantitative data. The findings of data analysis suggest that there is a significant difference between public and private school teachers’ beliefs about collegiality practices at the elementary level. It was also concluded that female teachers have strong beliefs about collegiality practices at the elementary level and female teachers are more collegial than male teachers.


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