Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 33, No 2 (2023)

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Designing and Implementing Webquests in Teaching and Learning with students of bachelor's degrees in Elementary Education in the Faculty of Distance Studies.

Maria Alexandra Rincon Pardo


WebQuests are a kind of learner-centered online teaching and learning.  They are both resource-based and activity-based. This study aims to create and implement a webquest to enhance teaching and learning in English as a foreign language. Firstly, in children from primary school (learning ). Secondly, undergraduate students with bachelor's degrees in elementary education in the faculty of distance studies at UPTC. This study shows the need to create and implement a Webquest in order to use digital educational resources to enhance English learning in children from primary school. Moreover, to motivate future teachers to create digital material to take advantage of their classes. The type of study was action research and qualitative methodology which lets teachers build theories related to teaching and learning, and it applied three collection data tools which are: a survey type Likert, WebQuests, and a virtual wall which shows the perceptions and opinions of undergraduate students about the creation of them. The theoretical constructs were: Digital educational resources, WebQuest, and constructivism.  Finally, the findings revealed three categories: 


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