Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 31, No 1 (2021)

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Experiences of Elementary Prospective Teachers’ during Practice Teaching

Nadia Akram, Shadab Samar


Practice teaching is a period that a prospective teacher spends at a school as part of their training under the direction of an expert teacher. This ‘paper is based on findings from a qualitative research study that explored’ the experiences of elementary prospective teachers during teaching practice. Data were collected from prospective teachers of elementary masters’ program studying in the ‘University of Punjab, Institute of Education and Research’ by using semi-structured interviews. To analyze the data thematic analysis was used. Findings reveal that majority of the elementary prospective students face different problems and challenges. Some feel nervous in the beginning and class management was big issue for them. They face ’lack of co-operation from the ’teachers and administration. Elementary prospective teachers applied the strategies which they learned from their teachers to overcome these challenges. As a whole they enjoyed a lot during teaching practice. It is recommended that administration facilitates the elementary prospective teachers and supervisors provide assistance to co-operate elementary prospective teachers in case of any problem. The research has important implications for elementary prospective teachers, policy makers and the administrators of other teacher training institutes in Pakistan.

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