Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 32, No 2 (2022)

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Lack of Parental Involvement of Not Reading All Communication with Kindergarten Students Using the Communication Log of the Avid College Readiness Binder

Kelly Dudley


The problem is that the parents of my Kindergarten students are not reading the communication that is being sent home in AVID Binders.  This results in students not completing some assignments and/or missing out in some activities due to their parents or families not being aware of these and therefore not prompting their child to complete the assignments, bring the needed items or permission slips back to school.

The problem appears to be a lack of parental involvement.  However, we do not know that this is intentional, but perhaps a lack of awareness or even the lack of English language proficiency of our parents and families. With a maximum of 22 students, routinely only a handful of parents will check Avid notebooks for the school and the class calendars, the list of special events, and the class newsletter.  Parents have approached the teachers with the statement that they would be more involved “If I had only known…”.  I am contending that if parents would regularly check their students’ AVID Binder for communication from teachers and the school, their level of involvement and the knowledge of activities within the school and classroom will rise.


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