Journal of Elementary Education, Vol 32, No 2 (2022)

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Reasons and Effects of Diversity of Education System in Pakistan at Elementary Level

Faqiha Rizvi, Nadia Saleem, Asma Shahid Kazi



Now a days Pakistan has several types of pedagogic systems. The origin of this matter can be pursued in copious factors; from foreign interferences to political flux. Education, which functions as the spinal cord for a nation’s survival, has underwent in Pakistan at the hands of political and socio-economic organizations. The fact that the multiple systems of education are sucking the blood out of this undeveloped nation is discouraging. It serves as a blow for the country to achieve collective objectives. Currently, this problem can be said to be stimulating other issues that are evolving in our society. This diversity is leading the nation into a nasty cycle of social discrepancy and political craving. However, today it has become essential to ensure uniformity in educational sector. The government needs to devise plans to deal with this state of educational emergency and take rational actions to reduce the invalid existing among these educational systems.


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