![]() Established in 1924 as Department of Botany, the Institute of Botany is one of the oldest seats of learning in this university. Originally, it was housed in the premises of Government College, Lahore, and MSc teaching was conducted in collaboration with the faculty of the College. It moved to the new campus in 1963 and was housed in various buildings before shifting to the present building in 1973.
Before 2001, only MSc and PhD programs were offered but in the past many years, the Institute has developed an elaborate program of teaching and research for BS, MSc, MPhil/MS and PhD. The Institute is known by the research of its faculty members in the areas of Tissue Culture, Proteomics, Genomics, Molecular Genetics, Environmental Biotechnology, Palaeobotany and Palynology, Mycology and Fungal Systematics, Microbiology, Stress Physiology and Ecology. The Institute has ten research laboratories with an elaborate research program involving national and international collaborations with academia, industry and government organizations. Currently, many research projects are being run by the faculty members. The Institute has a Library, Computer laboratory, a Common Room, Seed Centre, Botanical Garden, Greenhouses and Climatic rooms for research experiments. |
Aims and Objectives
Teaching Faculty
Publications/ Research / BooksLast Three Year Articles Year: 2015 1- Prof. Dr. Faheem Aftab and Sajid, Z.A,; Enhanced salinity tolerance in field-grown potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) treated with Ascorbic acid, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology ISSN 2348-5426, , 2015 2- Prof. Dr. Faheem Aftab and Akram, M,; Somatic embryogensis from cotyledons of Heterophragma adenophyllum Seem (Wall. P. Dop): an important medicinal and ornamental tree, International Journal on Agricultural Sciences, 6(2), 2015 3- Prof. Dr. Faheem Aftab and Akram, M,; Efficient plant regeneration via shoot organogenesis from explants of in vitro seedlings of a recalcitrant woody species of teak (tectona grandis L.f.), Proc. VIIIth on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding. Eds: J.M. Canhoto and S. I. Correia. Acta Horticulturae ISHS 2015: 53-60, 1083, 2015 4- Prof. Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid & Ishaq, A., Afshan, N.S,; New host of Puccinia coronata var. coronata from Pakistan. Disease Note, Journal of Plant Pathology, 209-220, 2015 5- Fiaz, M., Habib A., Afshan, N.S. & Khalid, A.N,; Some new records of Uredinales from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan, Mycontaxon, 569-575, 2015 6- Qasim, T., Khalid, A. N., Vellinga, E.C., Razaq, A,; Lepiota albogranulosa sp.nov. (Agaricales, Agaricacceae) from Lahore, Pakistan, Mycological Progress, 0.6, 2015 7- Hussain, S., Afshan, N. S., Habib, A. & Khalid, A.N,; New Report of edible mushroom, Termitomyces umkowaan from Pakistan, Sylwan, 185-197, 2015 8- M. Saba & A. N. Khalid,; Russula sichuanensis and its ectomycorrhizae from Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 130, 2015 9- M. Saba, I, Ahmad, & A.N. Khalid,; New reports of Inocybe from Pine Forests in Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 130, 2015 10- Sarwar, S., Saba, M., Khalid, A. N. & Dentinger, B. M.,; Suillus marginielevatus, a new species and S. triacicularis, a new record fro mWestern Himalaya, Pakistan, Phytotaxa, 169-177, 2015 11- Qasim, T, Amir T, Nawa R, Niazi AR and Khalid AN.,; Leucoagaricus lahorensis, a new species of L. sect, Rubrotincti, 533-541, 2015 12- Ge ZW, Qasim T, Yang ZL, Nawaz R, Khalid AN and Vellinga EC.,; Four new species in Leucoagaricus (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycetes) from Asia, Mycologia, 14-351, 2015 13- Dr. Shakil Ahmed, S Saeed Ahmad, M Nauman Ahmad, R Ullah Shah, Muhammad Nawaz,; Bioaccumulation of fluoride ion at three flowering stages in different platn parts of mustard, Fluoride, 132-136, 2015 14- Dr. Shakil Ahmed and N.A. Yasin,; Induction of defence-related biochemicals by rhizosphere bacteria against black spot disease of rose, Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, , 2015 15- Dr. Asad Shabbir, Kriticos, D., Brunel, S., Panetta, D., Fried, G., Prasad, R., Lansink, A. O.. And Yaacoby, T.,; Downscalling pest risk analyses: Identifying current and future potentially suitable habitats for Parthenium hysterophorus with particular reference to Europe and North Africa, POLS One, , 2015 16- Dr. Asad Shabbir, Dhileepan, K., O'Donnel, C., Khan, N., Hanif, Z., Adkins S. W,; The combined effect of biological control with plant competition on the management of parthenum weed (Parthenum hysterophorus L.), Pakistan Journal of Botany, , 2015 17- Dr. Asad Shabbir, Khan N, D George, A Shabbir, Z Hanif, S W Adkins,; Parthenium hysterophorus in Nepal: a review of its weed status and possiblities formanagement, Weed Research, 132-144, 2015 18- Dr. Farhat Rass Masood, M.Z. Rehman, and T. Malik,; Bisaccate Pollen from Chhidru Formation. Western Salt Range, Pakistan, Science International (Lahore), 27, 2015 19- Dr. Farhat Rass Masood, M.Z. Rehman, F. Arshad and T. Malik,; Further Observations on Bivesiculate Pollen from Permian Strata (Chhidru Formation), Western Salt Range, Pakistan, Science International (Lahore), 27, 2015 20- Dr. Farhat Rass Masood, M.Z. Rehman, and T. Malik,; Late-permain Monocolpate and Sulcate Pollen from Chhidru Formation, Salt Range, Pakistan., Science International (Lahore), 27, 2015 21- Dr. Farhat Rass Masood, M.Z. Rehman, S. Akram and U. Doger,; Palynologicval Evidence of Pteridophytic Plant Communties in Late Permian (Dzulfian) Period, Western Salt Range, Pakistan, Science International (Lahore), 27, 2015 22- Dr. Farhat Rass Masood, M.Z. Rehman, and T. Malik,; Monosaccate Pollen from Early Triassic Strata (Mianwali Formation) Western Salt Range, Pakistan, Science International (Lahore), 27, 2015 23- Dr. Ambreen Ahmed,; four new species in Leucoagaricus (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycetes) from Asia, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(2), 2015 24- Dr. Shez Ayaz Khiji, Firdaus-e-Bareen & Sajid Z.A.,; Role of antioxidants in the growth & heavy metal uptake from tannery sludge in icrobe assisted phytorendediation under field conditions, International Journal of Advance Sciences & Technology ISSN (2348-5426), , 2015 25- Dr. Atif Kamran, M. Asif, R.C. Yang, A. Narabi, M. iqbal, E.P. Laura, H. Randawa, .C. Poznika and D. Spaner,; Mapping QTL Selectioin differential and the effect of Rht-B1 under organic and conventionally managed systems in Attila x CDS go spring wheat mapping population, Crop Science, 55(3), 2015 26- Akram, M and Aftab, F.,; High frequency in vitro morphogenesis of groundcherry (Physalis minima L.): a threatened medicinal plant by thidiazuron, International Journal on Agricultural Sciences, 6, 2015 27- Akram, M and Aftab, F.,; Effect of Cytokinins on In vitro seed Germination and changes in ChlorophyII and Soluble Protein Contents of Teak (Tectona Grandis L.), Biochem Physiol, 4, 2015 28- Jabeen, S., Fiaz, M., Saba, M., Ahmad, H., Khalid, A.N.,; Molecular Phylogeny and morphological characterization of Russula Livescens and its ectomycorrhiza from mixed confierous forests of Pakistan, Austrian Journal of Mycology, 24, 2015 29- Hussain, S., Yousaf, N.S., Afshan, N. S., Niazi, A. R., Ahmad, H., Khalid, A.N.,; Tulstoma ahmadii sp. Nov, and T. squamosum from Pakistan. Turkish Journal of Botany, Turkish Journal of Botany, 39, 2015 30- Afshan, N.S., Khalid, A.N. & Niazi, A.R.,; New Reports of rust fungi (Uredinales) from Sharan (Kaghan Valley), Pakistan, Plant Pathology & Quarantine, 5, 2015 31- Afshan, N.S., Ishaq, A., Niazi, A.R. & Khalid, A.N.,; Geographical distribution and host ragnge of genus Uromyeces (Pucciniacease, Uredinales) in Pakistan., , 173, 2015 32- Kriticos Dj, Brunel S, Ota N, Fried G, Oude Lansink AGJM, Panetta FD, T.V. Ramachandra Parsad, Asad Shabbir, Tuvia Yaacoby,; Downscaling Pest Risk Analysis: Identifying Currentand Future Potentially Suitable Habitats for Parthenium Hysterophoruswith Particular Referenceto Europe and North Africa, Journal Pone, 10, 2015 33- Khan N, D George, Shabbir A, Z Hanif, S W Adkins,; Rising Co2 can alter fodder -week interactions and suppression of Parthenium Hysterophorus, Weed Research, 55, 2015 34- Shabbir, A.,; Soil seed bank studies on a riparian habitat invaded by Parthenium Hysterophorus, Indian Journal Weed Science, 47, 2015 35- Ahmad, SJN., Ahmad JN., Aslam M, Rizwan, M., Ijaz, M., AND Shabbir, A,; The Wide occurrence of Parthenium weed associated disease and its potential insect vectors in the Punjab, Pakistan, International Parthenium Weed Newsletter, 11, 2015 36- t. Malik, F. Masood, and M.Z. Rehman,; Early Triassic Azonate Trilete Spores From Mianwali formation, western Salt Range, Pakistan, Science International Lahore, 7, 2015 37- F.R. Masood,; Palynostratigraphy of Middle Triassic Strata of Salt Range, Pakistan, Geological Society of America, 47, 2015 38- Imran M.A., Sajid Z.A.,; Arsenic Toxicity to germination and vegetation growth of sunflower, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24, 2015 Year: 2014 1- Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem
Zeeshan Iqbal, Farah Rauf Shakoori, Abdul Rauf Shakoori, Nasir-ud-Din,; The 3D modelling and Characterization of Wild Type and Mutated Plasmodium Falciparum Cytochrome b: A computational approach., Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 46(3), 2014 2- Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem
Mahmood N, Nasir I.A. & Ishfaq
,; Molecular and Biochemical screening of local Aspergillus niger strains efficient in catalase and laccase enzyme production. , Int. J. Agric. Biol., 16, 2014 3- Prof. Dr. Faheem Aftab
Ali, J., Chaudhry, NY and Aftab, F.,; In vitro development and improvement of chromium (VI)-affected adventitious roots of Solanum tuberosum L. with GA3 and IAA application, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 46(2), 2014 4- Prof. Dr. Faheem Aftab
Sajid, Z. A and Aftab, F.,; Plant regeneration from in vitro-selected salt tolerant callus cultures of Solanum tuberosum L., Pakistan Journal of Botany, 46(4), 2014 5- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Saba, M.,; New record of Melanoleuca cinereifolia in Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 129(2), 2014 6- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Hanif, M.,; Thelephora iqbalii sp. nov. from the Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 129(2), 2014 7- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Fiaz, M., Jabeen, S., Imran, A., Ahmad, H.,; Extension of Macrolepiota distribution to the montane temperate forests of Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 129(1), 2014 8- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Saba, M.,; First report of Callistosporium luteoolivaceum from Western Himalaya, Pakistan., Mycotaxon, 129(1), 2014 9- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Saba, M.,; New reports of Gymnopus from Pakistan based on ITS sequences, Mycotaxon, 129(1), 2014 10- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Thongklang, N., Nawaz, R., Chen, J. Hydr, K. D., Zhao, R.L., Parra, L. A., Hanif, M., Moinard, M. & Callac, P.,; Morphological and molecular characterization of three Agaricus species from tropical Asia (Pakistan, Thailand) reveals a new group in section Xanthodermatei., Mycologia, 10, 2014 11- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Jabeen, Sl, Sarwar, S., Niazi, A.R.,; Checklist of Ectomycorrhizae from Pakistan, Annals of applied bio-sciences, 1, 2014 12- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Sarwar, S., Hanif, M.,; Boletus pakistanicus sp. nov. from coniferous forests of Pakistan based on molecular characterization, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 16, 2014 13- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Yousaf, N., Fiaz, M. Ahmad, H,; Gasteroid mycota of district Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 16, 2014 14- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Sarwar, S,; Diversity and phylogeny of genus Suillus (Suillaceae, Boletales) from coniferous forests of Pakistan (Asia), International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 16, 2014 15- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Jabeen, S.,; Community structure of ectomycorrhizae associated with Salix spp. growing in two different climatic regions of Pakistan, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 16, 2014 16- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Haroon, F., Iqbal, Z., Perfaiz, K,; Incidence of fungal infection in fresh water ornamental fish in Pakistan, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 16, 2014 17- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Afshan, N.S.,; New Records of Phragmidium species from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 128, 2014 18- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Sarwar, S & Niazi, A. R.,; Tylopilus: a new species and a new record from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 128, 2014 19- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Hanif, M.,; Clavariadelphus pakistanicus sp. nov., a new club fungus (Basidiomycota: Gomphales) from Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan, Botany, 92, 2014 20- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Razaq, Al, Ilyas, S. ,; Molecular Identification of Coprinus comatus: An edible mushroom (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) commonly found in Khanspur Forest, Himalayan Region of Pakistan, Research Journal of Agriculture Sciences, 5(3), 2014 21- Dr. Humera Afrasiab
Nourin Aman and Humer Afrasiab,; Primary and secondary somatic embryogenesis from leaf explants of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.)., Pakistan Journalof Botany, 46(3), 2014 22- Dr. Humera Afrasiab
Naila Ali and Humera Afrasiab,; Effect of TIBA and other plant growth regulators on callogenic response from different explants of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) online issue, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 16(6), 2014 23- Dr. Shakil Ahmad
Azeem Haider and M. Nadeem,; Screening of white rot fungi for decolonization of pulp and paper Industrial waste water , International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 11(2-3), 2014 24- Dr. Asad Shabbir
Adkins, S. Shabbir, A,; Biology, ecology and management of the invasive parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.), Pest Management Science, 70(7), 2014 25- Dr. Asad Shabbir
Khan, N., Shabbir, A., George, D., Hassan, G. Adkins, S.W,; Suppressive fodder plants as part of an integrated management program for Parthenium hysterophorus L. , Field crops Research, 156, 2014 26- Dr. Asad Shabbir
Shabbir, A., Dhileepan, K., Khan, N. Adkins, S.W.,; Weed–pathogen interactions and elevated CO2: growth changes in favour of the biological control agent. , Weed Research, 54(3), 2014 27- Dr. Asad Shabbir
Osunkoya, O., Ali, S., Nguyen, T., Perrett, C., Shabbir, A., Navie, S., Belgeri, A., Dhileepan, K. Adkins. S,; Soil seed bank dynamics in response to an extreme flood event in a riparian habitat., Ecological research, `1-15, 2014 28- Dr. Asad Shabbir
Shabbir, A., Dhileepan, K., Khan, N. Adkins, S.W.,; Chemical control of Parthenium hysterophorus L., Pakistan Journal of Weed Science research, 20(1), 2014 29- Dr. Ambreen Ahmed
Ahmed A. and Hasnain S,; Auxins as One of the Factors of Plant Growth Improvement by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, Polish Journal of Microbiology, 63, 2014 30- Dr. Abdul Rehman Khan Niazi
Jabeen, S., Sarwar, S., Khalid A.N,; Checklist of Ectomycorrhizae from Pakistan, Annals of applied bio-sciences, 1, 2014 31- Dr. Abdul Rehman Khan Niazi
Sarwar, S & Khalid A.N,; Tylopilus: a new species and a new record from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 128, 2014 Year: 2013 1- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Hanif, M. Imran, A,; Ectomycorrhiza of Himalayan alder
(Alnus nitida) from Moist temperatre forces of Pakistan, Asian Mycological congress 2013 and 13th International Marine and Fresh Waqter Mycology Symposium(19-23 Aug. 2013), , 2013 2- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Yousaf, N., Niazi, A.R.,; Myriostoma coliforme, first record of a rare and endangered gasteroid basidiomycetes from Pakistan, International journal of Micrbiology and Mycology, 1(2), 2013 3- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Razaq, A., Ilyas S.,; Molecular and phenytopic descriptions of cystroderma cinnabarina frm western Himalaya (basidiomycetes, agaricales): A new genus for Pakistan, Journal of Mycology, 2013, 2013 4- Dr. Abdul Nasri Khalid
Razaq, A., Ilyas, S.,; Molecular indentifiation of marasmium oreades An edible mushroom from Paksitan based on ITS-rDNA sequence data, Pak. J. Agar. Sci., 50(3), 2013 5- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Zahra, S. B.,; Role of somemicromycetes in biosorption of heavy metals in different polluted water samples, Journal of yeast and fungal research, 4(7), 2013 6- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Sarwar, S., Jabeen, S.,; Additons to ectomycorrhizae associated with popululs ciliata wall. Ex. Royle from Pakistan, Journal of yeast and fungal research, 4(3), 2013 7- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Ishaq, A. A, Afshan, N.S.,; New Reprots of cyperaceous rust fungi from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 125, 2013 8- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Afshan N. S.,; Check list of the rust fungi on poaceae in Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 125, 2013 9- Dr. Farkhanda Jabeen, Malik, K. Jabeen, F. Talpur, A.M.M, Andleeb, S. and Farooq A.,; Pesticidal activity of Pakistani bacillus thuringiensis isolates against helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and earias Vittella (Lepidopetra: Noctuidae)., IOSR-Journal of Pharmacy & Biology, 4(6), 2013 10- Dr. Humera Afrasiab
Sadia Intzaar, Muhammad Akram, and Humera Afrasiab,; Improved microporpagation protocol and high frequency multiple shoot formation of pygmy Groundcherry (Physails minima, L): an endangered plant, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 15, 2013 11- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid, Ilyas S. and Razaq A,; Inocybe nitidiuscula and its ectomycorrhizae with alnus nitida from Galyat, Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 124, 2013 12- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid, Denchev, C.M., Fiaz, M., Denchiv, T.T. and Ahmad, H,; Additions to the smut fungi of Pakistan 2, Mycotaxon, 123, 2013 13- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid, Fiaz, M. and Ahmad H,; Sporisorium linderi, a new record for Asia, Mycotaxon, 123, 2013 14- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid, Saba, M,; New rust species and hots from Northern areas of Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 123, 2013 15- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid, Saba, M,; Species diversity of enus puccinia (Basidiomycota, Uredinales) parasitizing poaceous hots in Pakistan, Int. J. Agric. Biol.,, 15, 2013 16- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid, Hanif, M.,; Intraspecific rDNA-ITS polymorphism within Clavariadelphus subfastigiatus (Basidiomycota: gomphiod-phalloid clade) from Pakistan, Int. J. Agric. Biol.,, 15, 2013 17- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid, Razaq, A. and S. Ilyas,; Molecular identification of Lepiota acutesquamosa and L. Cristata (Basidimycota, Agaricales) based n ITS-rDNA barcoding from himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan, Int. J. Agric. Biol.,, 15, 2013 18- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid
Nawaz, R. Hanif, M. and Razaq,; Lepiota vellingana sp. Nov Basidiomycota, Agaricales A new speces from Lahore Pakistan, Mycological Progress, DOI 10.1007/S, 2013 19- Prof. Dr. Faheem Aftab
Munir, N and Aftab, F ,; Changes in activities of antioxidant enzyines in response to NaCl stress in callus cultures and regenerated plants of sugarcane, J. Anim. Plant Sci, 23(1), 2013 Year: 2012 1- Muhammad Idrees,; Dengue Virus Serotype 2 (DEN-2): the Causative Agent of 2011-Dengue Epidemic in Pakistan. , American Journal of Biomed Sciences, 2012; in press, 2012 2- Muhammad Idrees,; Association of Hepatitis C Virus With Insulin Resistance: Evidences From Animal Studies and Clinical Studies. , Hepatitis Monthly, 2012; 12(1): 11-15, 2012 3- Muhammad Idrees,; Computational identification and modeling of crosstalk between phosphorylation, O-beta-glycosylation and methylation of FoxO3 and implications for cancer therapeutics. , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012; 13(3), 2918-2938, 2012 4- Muhammad Idrees,; Hepatitis E Virus Associated Aplastic Anemia: First case of its kind. , Journal of Clinical Virology, 2012; 54(1): 96-7, 2012 5- Muhammad Idrees,; Computational identification of interplay between phosphorylation and O-?-glycosylation of human occludin as potential mechanism to impair hepatitis C virus entry., Infection Genetics Evalution., 2012, 12(6):1235-45., 2012 6- Sana Jabeen,
Sobia Ilyas,
Abdul Rehman Khan Niazi,
Abdul Nasir Khalid
,; Diversity of Ectomycorrhizae Associated with Populus spp., Growing in Two Different Ecological Zones of Pakistan , International Journal of Agriculture and Biology , 15, 2012 7- N.S. Afshan,
A.N. Khalid & A.R. Niazi.
,; Three new Caeoma spp. On Rosaceae from Pakistan , Mycotaxon, 120, 2012 8- Yousaf, N.
Niazi, A.R.;
Khalid, A.N.
,; New Records of Note worthy Gasteroid fungi from Pakistan , Mycotaxon, 119, 2012 9- Humera Afrasiab and
Javed Iqbal
,; Genetic analysis of somaclonal variants and induced mutants of potato (solanum tuberosum L) cv. Diamant using RAPD markers. , Pak. J. Botany, 44(1), 2012 10- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid ,; Peziza michelii and its ectomycorrhizae with Alnus nitida (Betulaceae) from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 120, 2012 11- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid ,; Three new Caeoma spp. on Rosaceae from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 120, 2012 12- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid ,; New records of Pezizales from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 119, 2012 13- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid ,; Quelitia mirabilis, a rare gasteroid species in Gran Canaria, Spain, Mycotaxon, 119, 2012 14- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid ,; New Records of Note worthy Gasteroid fungi from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 119, 2012 15- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid ,; Hyalopsora nodispora is the new holomorph name for Uredo capilli-veneris (Uredinales, Pucciniastraceae) from Pakistan, Mycological Progress, 11(2), 2012 16- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid ,; Trichoderma flammula Metrod Ex Holec (Basidiomycota, Agaricales), an addition to mushroom flora of Pakistan based on molecular identification, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44(SI), 2012 17- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid ,; Additions to ectomycorrhizae associated with Himalayan Cedar using rDNA-ITS, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 14, 2012 18- Akram M. and
Faheem Aftab
,; Efficient micropropagation and rooting of King white mullberg (Morus macroura Mig) var. Lavigata from nodal explants of mature trees. , Pak. J. Botany, 44 (Pg.285-289)
Special Issue, 2012 19- Z. A. Sajid and
Faheem Aftab
,; Role of Salicylic acid in amelioration of salt tolerance in Solanum tuberosum L. , Pak. J. Botany , 44 (Pg.37-42)
Special Issue, 2012 20- Mahrosh Naeem
M. Ilyas, Saleem Haider
Shah Jahan Baig and
M. Saleem
,; Isolation and Characterization and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Fruit Juices and their efficacy Against Antibiotics, Pak. J. Botany , 44:323-328, 2012 21- Asma Butt Afshan Khan
Zeeshan Iqbal, Evelyne wallear-Nasir, Muhammad Saleem Abdul Rauf, Shakuri and Nasir-ud-Din
,; Functional Regulation of DNA Binding of FOXO1 by Post Translational Modifications: In silico Study , Pak. J. Zoology , 43(6): 1167-1175, 2012 22- M. Asim Zafar,; Certain H-Subsets of under the action, Pakistan Journal of Science, 4(1), 2012 23- M. Asim Zafar,; A New Family of Binary 5-point Approximating Non-Stationary Subdivision scheme, Archives des Sciences, 5(5), 2012 24- Muhammad Younis ,; Ternary Three Point Non-Stationary Subdivision Scheme, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 4(13), 2012 25- Umer Shafique,; Microwave assisted synthesis of esterquat for fabric softening applications, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 34, 2012 26- Umer Shafique,; Comparative thermal and catalytic recycling of low density polyethylene into diesel-like oil using different commercial catalysts, Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 11, 2012 27- Umer Shafique,; Lawrencepur sand- A highly efficient adsorbent for the removal of Cr(VI) from waste water, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 34, 2012 28- Umer Shafique,; Comparative removal of congo red dye from water by adsorption on Grewia asiatica leaves, Raphanus sativus peels and activated charcoal, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 34, 2012 29- Umer Shafique,; Micro-determination of arsenic in aqueous samples by image scanning and computational quantification, Analytical Methods, 4, 2012 30- Umer Shafique,; Removal of arsenic from water using pine leaves, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 43, 2012 31- Umer Shafique,; Toxic and nutritive elements analysis of commercially available tea samples of Pakistan by ICP-OES employing microwave digestion, Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 11, 2012 32- Umer Shafique, Amara Dar,; Forced migration of soluble and suspended materials by freezing front in aqueous systems, Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 6, 2012 33- Dr. Najam-ul-Sehar Afshan,; New anamorphic rust fungi on Rosa spp. from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 120, 2012 34- Sana Jabeen, Sobia Ilyas, Abdul Rehman, Khan Niazai, Abdul Nasir Khalid,; Diversity of Ectomycorrhizae Associated with populus Spp., Growing in two different ecological zones of Pakistan, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 16, 2012 35- N.S. Afshan, An.N. Khalid , A.R.Riazi,; Three new Caeoma spp. On Rosaceae from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 120, 2012 36- Yousaf, N. Niaza, A.R. Khalid, A.N,; New records of note worthy Gasteroid fungi from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 119, 2012 Year: 2011 1- Ms. Farkhanda Jabeen,; Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorous on Farm Plantations in various Agroeclogical zones of Punjab, Pakistan , African Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 5(11), 2011 2- Ms. Farkhanda Jabeen,; Land Evaluation / Classification of choice of trees species on farm lands in District Attock, Punjab, Pakistan, Stud. China, 13(4), 2011 3- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid,; Species of the genus Uromyces (Link) Unger (Basidiomycota, Pucciniales) from Leepa Valley, Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ& K) Pakistan. , African Journal of Biotechnology, 10, 2011 4- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid,; New records of rust fungi on Sedges (Cyperaceae) from Pakistan., Mycotaxon, 117, 2011 5- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid,; Puccinia cortusae (Basidiomycota; Uredinales) on Cortusabrotheri (Primulaceae), new to Southern Asia (Fairy Meadows, Pakistan)., Mycotaxon, 117, 2011 6- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid,; Some additions to the Uredinales of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ & K), Pakistan., Pakistan Journal of Botany, 43(2), 2011 7- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid,; New records of Puccinia species on Poaceae from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 118, 2011 8- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid,; New records of poaceous rusts from Pakistan, Mycotaxon, 118, 2011 9- Dr. Abdul Nasir Khalid,; Diversity of Boletales in Pakistan, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products 4-7, October, 2011, Arcachon, France, 1, 2011 Year: 2010 1- Ms. Ambreen Ahmed,; Auxin-producing Bacillus sp.: Auxin quantification and effect on the grwoth of Solanum tuberosum, Pure and Applied Chemistry,, 82(1), 2010 2- Dr. Humera Afrasiab,; In vitro techniques and mutagenesis for the genetic improvement of potato (Solanum tuberosum L) cvs. Desiree and Diamant., , 42(3), 2010 3- Prof. Dr. Firdaus-e-Bareen,; Efficiency of seven cultivated plant soil & sediment species for phytoexhaction of toxic contramination metals from tanmery efluent contramination soil using EDTA, Soil & Seiment Contramination, 19, 2010 4- Prof. Dr. Firdaus-e-Bareen,; Metal Decontamination of tannery solid waste using tagets patula in association with sapsobic and mycouhizal funge, The Environmentalist, 30, 2010 5- Prof. Dr. Khan Rass Masood,; Response of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis to irrigation with the Hudiara drain effluent., Int.,J.Phytoremediation, 12 No.4, 2010 6- Prof. Dr. Khan Rass Masood,; The Hudiara drain wastewater effect on the distribution of surrounding herbaceous vegetation. , Pak.J.Bot, 42 No.3, 2010 Seminar/ ConferencesConference Proceedings Year: 2015 1- Conference proceeding on Enhanced salinity tolerance in field-grown potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) treated with Ascorbic acid, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology ISSN 2348-5426, , 2015 2- Conference proceeding on Geographical distribution and host ragnge of genus Uromyeces (Pucciniacease, Uredinales) in Pakistan., , 173, 2015 Year: 2013 1- Conference proceeding on Ectomycorrhiza of Himalayan alder
(Alnus nitida) from Moist temperatre forces of Pakistan, Asian Mycological congress 2013 and 13th International Marine and Fresh Waqter Mycology Symposium(19-23 Aug. 2013), , 2013
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