![]() The Centre was established with the following aims and objectives: |
Aims and Objectives
Teaching Faculty
Publications/ Research / BooksLast Three Year Articles Year: 2015 1- Shafique, M., Shahzad MS., Perveen, U., Parveen, R., Ali, A., Hussain, M., Rehman, Z., Shahid, AA. And Husnain, T,; Allele Frequency distribution of 10 MiniSTRs in the pashtum population of pakistan, International journal of legal medicine, 129(3), 2015 2- Shah, MA., Tahira, F., Shafique, M., Hussain, M., Perveen, R., Shahzad, M., Ehsan, F., Shahzad, MS., Rehman,m Z., Ali, Q and Iqbla, M,; Estimation of different biochemical intensities in drinking water from eastern region of lahore city, Advancements in life science, 2(3), 2015 3- Shafique, M., Hussain, M., Shan, MA., Shazad, M., Hussain, S., Hussain, N., Ehsan, F., Perveenm, R and Iqbal M,; Genetic divesity of 15 autosomal STR loci in the population of southern punab pakistan, Forensic science internationa: genetics, , 2015 4- Jamal, A., Shahid, MN., Aftab, B., Rashid, B., Kiani, S., Mohammed, BB., Sarwar, MB., Hassan, S and Husain, T,; Alternations in photosynthetic, water relatons and biochemical components in cotton subjected to drought stress, Journal of global biosciences, 4(2), 2015 5- Hafeez MN, Sadique S, Hassan S, Sarwar MB, Rashid B, Ali Q and Husnain,; Physicological, morphological, biochemical and moleuclar basis of drought tolerance in cotton, Journal of biology pharmacy and allied sciences, 4(3), 2015 6- Mohamed BB., Sarwar MB, Hassa S., Rashid B., Aftab B and Husnain T,; Tolerance of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) genotypes to drought stress at vegatative stage, Advancements in life science, 2(2), 2015 7- Noreen, S., Hussain, I., Tariq, MI., Ijaz, B., Iqbal, S., Zaman, QU., Ashfaq, UA and Husain, T,; Portulaca oleracea L. as a prospective candidate inhibitor of hepatitis C virus NS3 serine protease, Viral immunology 1-8, 28(5), 2015 8- Mahmood, R., Choudhery, MS., Mehmood, A., Khan, SN and Riazuddin,,; In vitro differentation potential of human placenta derived cells into skin cells, Stem cells internationak, , 2015 9- Mehmood, A., Ali, M. Khan, SN and Riazuddin, S,; Diazoxide preconditioning of endothelial progenitor cells improves their ability to repair the infarcted myocardium, Cell biology international, , 2015 10- Khubaib, B., Idrees, M., Afzal, S and Waqar S.,,; The genotype CC of 1228B SNP rs 129798860 is significantly associated with sustained virological response in chromic HCV pakistani patents, Journal of digestive diseases, 16(5), 2015 11- Wajid, N., Latief, N., Ali, M., JavedS, S., Naseem, R and Ali, F,; The effect of glucose on growth of mesenchymal stem cells derived from umbilical cords of normal and gestational diabetic mothers, International journal of life scieces and rview (IJLSR), 1(6), 2015 12- Iqbal, Z., Lucia, P., Musante, L, Razzaq, A., Zahoor, MY,m Hu, H., Wienker, TF., Garshasbi, M., Fattahi, Z., Gilissen, C., Vissers, LELM., Arjan PM< Brouwer, De., Veltman, JA., Rolph,; Missense variants in AIMPI gene are implicated in autosomal recessive intellectual disability without neurodegeneration, Eur J Hum Genet, , 2015 13- Simon, M., Richard, EM., Wang, X., Shahzad, M. Huang, VH., Qaiser, TA., Potluri, P, Mahl, SE., Davila A, Nazil S., Hancock S., Yu, M., Gargus, J., Chang, R., Sheqaih, NA., Newman, WG., Abdenur, J., Starr, A., Hedge, R., Dorn, T., Busch, A., Park, E., Wu, ,; Mutations of human NARS2, encoding the mitochondrial asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase, cause nonsyndromic deafness and leigh syndrome, PLoS Genet, , 2015 14- Nayak, G., Varga,. L., Trincot, C., Shahzad, M., Friedman, PL., Klimes, I.Greinwald, JH., Jr., Riazuddin, SA., Masindova, I, Profant, M., Khan SN., Fredman, TB., Ahmed, ZM., Gasperikova, D., Riazuddin, S and Riazuddin S,; Molecular genetics of MARVELD2 and clinical phenotype in pakistani and slovak families segregating DFNB49 hearing loss, Hum Genet, 134(4), 2015 15- Ali, S., Khan SY., Naeem, MA., Khan SN., Hssain, T., Riazuddin, S., Ayyagari, R., Riazuddin S., Hejtmancik, JF and Riazuddin SA,; Phenotypic variability associated with the D226N allelle of IMPDHI, Ophthalmology, 122(2), 2015 16- Awan MF, Abbas MA., Muzaffar, A Ali, A., Tabassum, B., Rao AQ, Nasir IA and Husnain T,; Transformation of insect and herbicide resistance genes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), J. Agr. Sci. Tech., 17(2), 2015 17- Muzaffar, A., Kiani, S., Khan, MAU ., Rao, AQ., Ali, A., Awan MF., Iqbal, A., Nasir, IA., Shahid AA and Husain T,; Cholooplast lcalizatin of the CryAc and Cry2A proteins: an alternative method of insect control in cotton, BMC Biological research journal, 48, 2015 18- Khan, MAU, Shahid, AA, Rao, AQ., Shahid, N., Latif, A., Din, SU and Husnain T,; Defence strategic of cotton against whitefly transmitted CLCuV and Begomoviruses, Advancements in life science, 2(2), 2015 19- Bajwaa, KS., Shahid, AA., Rao, AQ., Dahab, AHA, Muzaffar, A., Rehman, H., Ahmad, M., Shaukat, MS., Gul, A., Ahad, A and Husnain T,; Detection of transgenes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) by using biotechnology / molecular biological techniques, International Journal of biologcal, feed, veterinary and agricultual engineering, 9(1), 2015 20- Shanakht, Shahid, AA and Ali, SW,; Characterization of fungal microbiota onrice grains from local markets of lahore, Journal of Hygienic engineering and desigh, UDC, , 2015 21- Jafri, I., Shahid., AA., Ibrahim, A and Atif M,; Efficacy of different bactical strains agianst meloidoygne incognita, Pakistan Journal of Nematology, 33(1), 2015 22- Bilal, M. Saeed, M., Nasir, I.A., Tabassu, B., Zameer, M., Khan, A., Tariq, M. Javed M.A and Husnain, T,; Associated mapping of cane weight and tillers per plant in sugarcane, Tiotechnolgy & Biotechnogical equipment, 29(4), 2015 23- Qamar, Z., Khadija, A, Nasir, IA., Farooq, A., Tabassum, B., Ali, Q., Ali, A., Awan, MF., Tariq M and Husnain, T,; An overview of genetic transformation of glyphosate resistant gene in zea mays, Nautre and science, 13(3), 2015 24- Hussain M, Idrees M, and Afzal S,; Development of global consensus of dengue virus envelp glycoprotein for enitopes based vaccine design, Current computer aided drug design, 11(1), 2015 25- Salim, A., Nasir IA., Rao, AQ., Ali, M., Anjum, MS., Hameed, A., Tabassum, B., Khan, Al, Ali, A., Zameer, M and Husnain,; Biosafety study of genetically modified CEMB sugarcane on animals for glyphosate tolerance, , 2(3), 2015 26- Shahid M, Sabar, MF., Rahman, ZU., Ghani, MU., Kousar, S., Awan, FI and Husnain, T,; Urbanization triggers Asthma in 'C' allele carriers for rs12603332, , , 2015 27- Puspito AN, Rao AQ, Hafeez MN, Iqbal MS, Bajwa KS, Ali Q, Abbas MA, Latif A, Shahid AA, Nasir IA, Husnain T. (2015),; Transformation and evaluation of Cry1Ac+Cry2A and GTGene in Gossypiumhirsutum L., Frontiers in Plant Sciences., 10.3, 2015 28- Bajwa KS, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Bashir A, Aftab A, Husnain T. (2015),; Stable Transformation and Expression of GhEXPA8 FibreExpansin Gene to Improve Fibre Length and Micronaire Value in Cotton, Frontiers in Plant Science, 10.3, 2015 29- Ahad A, Ahmad A, Din SU, Rao AQ, Shahid AA, Husnain T. (2015),; In silico study for diversing the molecular pathway of pigment formation: an alternative to manual coloring in cotton fibers., Frontiers in Plant Science, 10.3, 2015 30- Ahmad A, Riaz, MR, Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Ahad A, Din SU, Husnain T. (2015),; In Silico determination of the insecticidal potential of Vip3Aa-Cry1Ac fusion protein against Lepidopteran targets by using molecular docking, Frontiers in Plant Science, 10.3, 2015 31- Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Shahid N, Din SU, Gul A, Muzaffar A, Azam S, Samiullah TR, Batool F, Shahid AA, Nasir IA, Husnain T. (2015),; An Overview of Phytochrome; An important Light Switch and Photo-sensory Antenna for Regulation of Vital Functioning of Plants, Biologia, 10.151, 2015 32- Latif A, Rao AQ, Khan MA, Shahid N, Bajwa KS, Ashraf MA, Husnain T. (2015),; Herbicide-resistant cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum) plants: an alternative way of manual weed removal, BMC Research Notes, 8, 2015 33- Ahmad A, Ahad A, Rao A Q, Husnain T. (2015),; Molecular docking based screening of neem-derived compounds with the NS1 protein of Influenza virus., Bioinformation, 11, 2015 34- Ali S, Nasir IA, Ali A, Aslam U, Farooq AM, Tariq M, Tabassum, B, Qamar Z, Samiullah, TR, Rao AQ. (2015),; Genetic variability in coat protein gene of sugarcane mosaic virus in Pakistan and its relationship to other strains, African Journal of Biotechnology, 13, 2015 35- Khan MAU, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Azam S, Ahmad A, Ahmad M, Husnain, T. (2015),; Comparison of different species of cotton for the transmission of CLCuV through whitefly, Mycopath, 13, 2015 36- Khan MAU, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Bajwa KS, Muzaffar A, Samiullah TR, Nasir IA, Husnain T. (2015),; Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of Cotton Epicuticular Wax in Defense against Cotton Leaf Curl Disease (CLCuD), Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 13, 2015 37- Shahid AA, Anwar W, Khan S, Aslam M, Haider MS, Ali M.,; Exploring fungal flora associated with insects of cotton agro ecological zones of punjab, Pakistan, Pakistan Entomologist, 37, 2015 38- Shahid AA, Subhani MN, Nawaz K, Anwar W, Aslam M. (2015),; First Report of Pythium spinosum Causing Root Rot of Chili (Capsicum annuum) in Pakistan., Plant Disease, 10.1, 2015 39- Raza MH, Mattera R, Morell R, Sainz E, Rahn R, Gutierrez J, Paris E, Root J, Solomon B, Brewer C, Basra MA, Khan S, Riazuddin S, Braun A, Bonifacino JS, Drayna D. (2015),; Association between Rare Variants in AP4E1, a Component of Intracellular Trafficking, and Persistent Stuttering., Am J Hum Genet, 97, 2015 40- Rehman AU, Santos-Cortez RL, Drummond MC, Shahzad M, Lee K, Morell RJ, Ansar M, Jan A, Wang X, Aziz A, Riazuddin S, Smith JD, Wang GT, Ahmed ZM, Gul K, Shearer AE,Smith RJ, Shendure J, Bamshad MJ, Nickerson DA, Hinnant J, Khan SN, Fisher RA, Ahmad W, Frid,; Challenges and solutions for gene identification in the presence of familial locus heterogeneity., Eur J Hum Genet, 23, 2015 41- Ali M, Mehmood A, Khan SN, Riazuddin S. (2015),; Diazoxide preconditioning of endothelial progenitor cells from streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic rats improves their ability to repair diabetic cardiomyopathy, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 10.1, 2015 42- Shahid M, Akram M, Fatima Z, Purdy MA, Sue A, Saleem S, Amin I, Shahid M, Idrees M, Nawaz R. (2015),; Introduction and evolution of dengue virus type 2 in Pakistan: a phylogeographic analysis, Virology Journal, 10.11, 2015 43- Khan SY, Ali S, Naeem MA, Khan SN, Husnain T, Butt NH, Qazi ZA, Akram J, Riazuddin S, Ayyagari R, Hejtmancik JF, Riazuddin SA.,; Splice-site mutations identified in PDE6A responsible for retinitis pigmentosa in consanguineous Pakistani families, Mol Vis, 21, 2015 44- Maranhao B, Biswas P, Gottsch AD, Navani M, Naeem MA, Suk J, Chu J, Khan SN, Poleman R, Akram J, Riazuddin S, Lee P, Riazuddin SA, Hejtmancik JF, Ayyagari R. (2015),; Investigating the Molecular Basis of Retinal Degeneration in a Familial Cohort of Pakistani Decent by Exome Sequencing, PLoS One, 10, 2015 45- Naeem MA, Gottsch AD, Ullah I, Khan SN, Husnain T, Butt NH, Qazi ZA, Akram J, Riazuddin S, Ayyagari R, Hejtmancik JF, Riazuddin SA. (2015),; Mutations in GRM6 identified in consanguineous Pakistani families with congenital stationary night blindness, Mol Vis, 21, 2015 46- Jiaox X, Khan SY, Irum B, Khan AO, Wang Q, Kabir F, Khan AA, Husnain T, Akram J, Riazuddin S, Hejtmancik JF, Riazuddin SA. (2015),; Missense Mutations in CRYAB Are Liable for Recessive Congenital Cataracts, PLoS One, 10, 2015 47- Shafique M, Shahzad MS, Shan MA, Ali A, Rahman Z, Husnain, T. (2015),; Genetic polymorphism of ten MiniSTR loci in the population of Punjab Pakistan for forensic application, International Journal of Legal Medicine, 129, 2015 48- Sabar MF, Ghani MU, Shahid M, Sumrin A. (2015),; “Genetic variants of ADAM33 are associated with asthma susceptibility in the Punjabi population of Pakistan”, Journal of Asthma, 10.31, 2015 49- Hassan S, Sadique S, Sarwar MB, Rashid B, Husnain T. (2015),; Morpho-physiological, biochemical and developmental responses of diploid cotton (Gossypiumarboreum L.) cultivars under varying NaCl stress., International Journal of Biosciences, 9, 2015 50- Jamal A, Shahid MN, Aftab B, Rashid B, Kiani S, Mohammed, BB, Sarwar MB, Hassan S, Husnain, T. (2015),; Alterations in photosynthetic, water relations and biochemical components in cotton subjected to drought stress., Journal of Global Biosciences, 4, 2015 51- Ansari MMUR, Shahee T, Bukhari SA, Husnian T. (2015),; Genetic improvement of rice for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, 39, 2015 52- Ali F, Kanwal N, AhsanA, Ali Q, Bibi I, Niazi NK. (2015) ,; Multivariate Analysis of Grain Yield and Its Attributing Traits in Different Maize Hybrids Grown under Heat and Drought Stress, Advancements in Life Sciences, , 2015 53- Mumtaz A, Sadaqat HA, Malook SU, Asif M, Shahzad A, Imran K, Aleem MU, AliQ. (2015) ,; Gene action studies through diallel analysis in Brassica rapa for quality traits., Turkish Journal of Botany, 12, 2015 54- Kanwal N, Sadaqat HA, Ali Q, Ali F, Bibi I , Niazi NK. (2015),; Breeding Progress for morphology and genetic pattern in Helianthus annuus L. , Scientifica , 12, 2015 55- Bhutta MA, Qureshi MK, Shabaz MK, Ahmad M, Malook SU Ali Q. (2015),; Oxidative damage caused by Reactive Oxygen Species under drought stress in Gossypium hirsutum. , Life Sci J, 12, 2015 56- Ahmad HM, Rahman MU, Ali Q, Awan SI. (2015),; Plant cuticular waxes: a review on functions, composition, biosyntheses mechanism and transportation. , Life Sci J, 12, 2015 57- Riaz S, Malook SU, Shah AH, Sarfaraz M, Kazmi SMZ, Abad Z, Jabeen S, Zamsn RQU, Asif M, Ali Q. (2015),; Improvement of secondary metabolites for Cucurbita moschata through tissue culture techniques: An overview. , Life Sci J, 12, 2015 58- Ahmad HM, Rahman MU, Azeem F, Qurban Ali. (2015),; QTL mapping for the improvement of drought tolerance in cereal crops: A review., Life Sci J , 12, 2015 59- Ali Z, Qadeer A, Ahmad HM, Aziz O, Qasam M, Ali Q. (2015),; Assessment of effect of different herbicides on morphological traits of Gladiolus grandiflorus., Life Sci J, 12, 2015 60- Ramzan I, Sadaqat HA, Shah M, Ali Q. (2015),; Correlation and path coefficient analyses of yield components in S3 progenies of Helianthus annuus., Life Sci J, 12, 2015 61- Ali F, Ahsan M, Kanwal N, Ali Q, Niazi NK. (2015),; Crop improvement through conventional and non-conventional breeding approaches for grain yield and quality traits in Zea mays., Life Sci J, 12, 2015 62- Naseer S, Kashif M, Ahmad HM, Iqbal MS, Ali Q. (2015),; Estimation of genetic association among yield contributing traits in aromatic and non-aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L) cultivars., Life Sci J , 12, 2015 63- Naseer S, Kashif M, Ahmad HM, Iqbal MS, Ali Q. (2015),; Assessment of genetic variability in basmati and non-basmati cultivars of Oryza sativa. , Life Sci J , 12, 2015 64- Raza MA, Ahmad HM, Akram Z, Ali Q. (2015),; Performance evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes for physiological and qualitative traits. , Life Sci J, 12, 2015 65- Bibi T, Mustafa HSB, Hasan EU, Rauf S, Mahmood T, Ali Q. (2015),; Analysis of genetic diversity in linseed using molecular markers., Life Sci J, 12, 2015 66- Abbas HG, Mahmood A, Ali Q. ,; Genetic variability and correlation anlaysis for various yield traits of Gossypium hirsutum L. , Life Sci J, 12, 2015 67- Ali Q, Malook SU, AhsanM, SherA, Shakoor A, Mubarik MK, Sarafaraz M, Farooq U. (2015),; Genetic Analysis of Zea mays Genotypes for Various Physiological and Plant Growth Related Traits to Improve Fodder Yield. , Life Sci J, 5, 2015 68- Raza MA, Ahmad HM, Akram Z, Ali Q. (2015),; Evaluation of wheat genotypes for morphological traits under rainfed conditions. , Journal of Agriculture Research. , 15, 2015 69- Ramzan I, Sadaqat HA, Shah AM, Ali Q. (2015),; Study of trait association for the improvement of achene yield in sunflower: A review., American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci, 7, 2015 70- Naseem Z, Masood SA, Annum N, Arshad S, Khalid MAR, Anam R, Ali Q. (2015),; Genetic variability among sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) accessions for relative growth and seedling traits., Academ Arena , 7, 2015 71- Awan ZK, Masood SA, Naseem Z, Fazal A, Aslam N, Tahir MHN, Ali Q. (2015),; Genetic variability and trait association for relative growth rate and green fodder yield in Sorghum bicolor L., Academ Arena , 4, 2015 Year: 2014 1- Li David, Jin C, Jiao X, Bushra T, Naeem MA, Butt NH, Husnain T, Sieving PA, Riazudding, S. Riazuddin SA & Hejtmancik, JF,; AIPLI implication in the pathogenesis of two cases of autosomal recessive retinal degeneration, Moleular vision, 20, 2014 2- Aftab B., Shahid Mn, Riaz S., Jamal A, Mohamed BB, Zahur M, Aftab M, Rashid B, & Husnain T,; Identification and expression profiling of CLCuV responsive transcripts in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Turkish Journal of Biology, 38, 2014 3- Rehman SU, Atif A, Miraza Masood K, Rashid B. & Husnain T.,; Microarray gene expression MIAME-Plant supportive tab delimited data format: MAGE-TAB-Plant, The Journal of animal and plant sciences, 24(1), 2014 4- Ashraf MA, Shahid AA, Rao Aq, Shahzad KB & Husnain T.,; Functional characterization of a bidirectional plant prometer from cotton leaf curlburewala virus using an agrobacterum mediated transient assay, Viruses, 6, 2014 5- Nasir IA, Tabassum B, Qamar Z, Javed MA, Tariq M, Farooq AM, Butt SJ, Qayyum. A, & Husnain T,; Herbicidi-tolerant sugarcane (SaccharumofficinarumL.) plants: An un conventional way of weed removal, Turkish Journal of Biology, 38, 2014 6- Afzal S, Idress M, Hussain M.,; De Novo modeling of Envelope 2 protein of HCV isolated from Pakistani patient and epitopes prediction for vaccine development, Journal of Translational medicine, 12, 2014 7- Ali M. Rehman IU, Idrees M.,; Emergence of genetically variant hepatitis C virus population in respone to increased antiviral pressure, Pakistan, Virus Genes, 48(3), 2014 8- Sabri S, Idrees M,; Studies on the role of NS3 and NS5A non structural genese of HCF 3a local isolates in apoptosis, International J infectious diseases, 25, 2014 9- Rafique, S, Idress M, Ali A,; Generation and using of HCV infectious pseudo typed particles for studyng the role of CD81 & SRB1 receptors in HCV infection, Molecular Viology Reports, 41(6), 2014 10- Rafique, S, Idress M, Ali A,; Studies on the role of neutralzing antibodiesagainst envelope genes in resolving HCV pseudo - particles infectivity, Molecular Viology Reports, 41, 2014 11- Waqar M, Khan AU, Rehman HU, Idrees M,; Determination of hepatitis C virus genetypes circulating in different districts of Punjab Pakistan, European J Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 26(1), 2014 12- Butt, FA, Amin, I Idrees M,; Hepatitis delta virus genotype -1 alone corcirculates with hepatitis B virus genetypes A and D in Pakistan, European J Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 26(3), 2014 13- Rehman HU, Wasim M, Waqar Khan AU, Idress M,; Seroprevalence of HBV infection and viral loads in outpatients attending a district hospital located in mardan, Pakistan, International journal of biosciences, 4(5), 2014 14- Ur Rehman, I, Vaughan G, Purdy MA, Xia GL, Forbi JC, Rossi LM, Butt S, Idress M,; Genetic history of Hepatitis C virus in pakistan, infection, Genetics and Evolution, (27C), 2014 15- Naeem MA, Hunsain T.,; AIPLI1 implicated in the pathogenesis of two cases of autosomal receissive retial degeneration, Genomics, 103(2-3), 2014 16- Naeem MA, Khan SN,; Exome suite: whole exome sequence variant filtering tool for apid identification of putative disease cauing SNVs/indels, Molecular vision, 6(20), 2014 17- Waseem M., Qurban Ali, Ali A., Samiullah, TR., Baloch, DM., Ahmad, S., Khan, MA., Ali, Al, Muzaffar A., Abbas MA., Nasir I A. & Husnain, T.,,; Genetic analysis for varius traits of cicer arietinum under different spacing, Life Sci. J., 11, 2014 18- Ali, Q., Ali, A., Waseem, M., Muzaffar, Ahmed, S., Ali, S., Bajwa, KS., Awan, MF., Samiullah, TR., Awan, JF., Samiullah, TR. Nasir, IA and Husnain T,; Correlation analysis for morpho-physiological traits of maize (Zea mays L.), Life Science Journal, 11, 2014 19- Ali Q, Ali A, AwanFA, Tariq M. Ali S, Samiullah TR., Azam S., Din Su, Ahmad M, Sharif MA, Muhamamd S, Khan NH< Ahsan M, Nasir IA & Husnain T,; Combining ability analysis for various physiological, grain yield and quality traits of zea mays L., Life Science Journal, 11(8s), 2014 20- Ahmed, N., Zafar, A.U., Khan, M. A., Tahir, S., Khan, M.I,. Bashir, H., Khan, F., Sarwar, S., Ilyass, S., & Husnain, T,; Matrix assisted refolding and purification of placcenta derived recombinant human interleukh-6 produced in escherichia coli, Biotechnology and applied biochemistry, 61, 2014 21- Khan, MA, Hassan N, Ahmad N, Khan, MI, Zafar AU, Khan F, and Husnain T,; Studies to analyse the relationship between IFNα2b gene dosage and its expression, using a pichia pastoris based expression system, Yeast, 31, 2014 22- Khan, MA,, Khan F, Ahmad N, Khan MI< Zafar AU,, Khan F, and Husnain T.,; Expression line approach to recombinant human epidermal growth factor into the yeast, pichia pastoris from Huh-7 cell line, Moleclar biology reports, 41, 2014 23- Rehman AU, SantosCortez Rl, Morell RJ, Drummond MC Ito to, Lee K Khan AA, Basra SI; Nickerson DA, Shendure J, Bamshad M, Riazuddin S, Billington N, Khan S, Friedman PL, Griffith AJ, Ahmad W, Riazuddin S, Leal SM, Friedman TB,; mutations in TBC1D24, a gene associated with epilepsy, also cause nonsyndromic deafness DFNB86, The american journal of human genetics, 94, 2014 24- Ali L, Idrees < Ali M, Hussain A, Rehman IU, Ali A, Iqbal As, Kamel ES,; Inhibitory effect of kaolin minerals compound against hepatitis C virus in Huh-7 cell lines, BMC Research Notes, 2014, 2014 25- Tariq M., Ali Q., Khan A., Khan GA., Rashid B., Rahi MS., ali A, Nasir IA., & Husnain T,; Yield potential study of capsicum annuum L. under the application of PGPR, Advancements in life sciences, 1(4), 2014 26- Jamal A, Shahid Mn, Afab B, Rasid B, Sarwar MB, Mohamed BB, Hassan S, & HusnainT.,; Water stress mediated changes in morphology and physiology of Gossypiumarboreum (Var FDH-786), Journal of Plant Sciences, 2(5), 2014 27- Dar AI, Saleem, F, Ahmad M, Tariq M, Khan A, Ali A, Tabassum B, Ali Q, Khan Ga, Rasid B, Nasir IA, Husnain T,; Characterization and efficienty assessment of PGPR for enhancement of rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield, Advancements in life sciences, 1(4), 2014 28- Hassan S, Sarwar M< Saddiqu S, Rashid B, Aftab B, Mohamed BB & Husnain T,; Growth, physiological and molecular response of cotton (gossypiumarboreum L.) under NaCl stress, American Journal of Plant Science, 5(5), 2014 29- Hussain T, Bakhsh A, Munir B, Hassan H, Rao AQ, Shahid AA., Rashid B, & Husnain T,; Mendelian segregation pattern and expression studies of insecticidal gene (cry 1Ac) in insect resistant cotton progeny), Emirates Journal of food and agriculture, 26(8), 2014 30- Ali MA, Rehman I, Iqbal A, Din S, Rao AQ, Latif A, Samiullah TR, Azam S., Husnain T,; Nanotechnology, a new fronter in agriculture , Advances in life sciences, 1(3), 2014 31- Bajwaa KS, Shahid A.A. Rao Aq, Dahab AHA, Mzaffar A, Rehman H, Ahmad M, Shaukat MS, Gul A, Ahad A and Husnain T,; Stable genetic transformation in cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.) using marker genes, Advanced crop science, 4(1), 2014 32- Akthar S, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Bajwa KS, Muzaffar A, Lateef A, Husnain T,; Genetic effects of calotropisprocera CpTIP 1 gene on fiber quality in cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum), Advancements in life sciences, 1(4), 2014 33- Barozai, MYK & Husnain T,; Development and characterization of the asiatic desi cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) leaf epicuticular wax mutants, Paki J. Bat, 46(2), 2014 34- Qamar Z, Nasir I.A, Husnain T.,; In vitro development and caulifolower synthetic seeds and development of plantlets in vivo, Plant Tissue Cult. Biotech, 24, 2014 35- Qamar Z, Nasir IA, Jahangir, GZ, & Husnain T.,; In-vitro production of cabbage and cauliflower, Advancements in life sciences, 1, 2014 36- Jahangir GZ, Nasir IA, Iqbal M,; Disease free and rapid mass production of sugarcane cultivars, Advancements in life sciences, 1(3), 2014 37- Ali Q, Ali A, Tariq M, Abbas MA, Sarwar B, Ahmad M, Awaan MF., Ahmad S, Nazar ZA., Akram F, Shahzad A, Samiullah Tr., Nasir IA & Husnain T,; Gene action for various grain and fodder quality traits in zea mays, Journal of Nutrition reseach, 2(10), 2014 38- Ali S, Nasir IA, Ali, A, Aslam U, Farooq Am, Tariq M, Tabassum B, Qamar Z, Rao AQ & Hussain T,; Genetic varability in coat protein gene of sugarcane mosaic virus in Pakistan and its relationship to other straints, African Journal of Biotechnology, 13, 2014 39- T, Akhtar S, Zia M, Hameed U, Iqbal MJ, Nasir IA, Haider S, Mansoor S, Husnain T, Schefler J and Schefler B,; Development of virus resistant transgenic cotton, ICGI Conference Proceedings, , 2014 40- Rao AQ, Kiani S, Yaseen A, Butt A, Muzaffar A, Amin I, Zuair M, Nouman T, Akthar S, Zia M,Hameed U, Iqbal MJ< Nasir IA, Haider S, Mansoor S, Husnain T, Schefler and Schefler B,; Transformation of different miRNA &RNAi based constructs against CLCuV and its insect vector for the development of virus resistance transgenic cotton, ICGI Conference Proceedings, , 2014 41- Husnain T, Rashid B, Irfan Mm Barozai MYK, Jamal A, Sarwar MB,; High throughput transcriptome analysis of Gossypium arboretum under abiotic stress, ICGI Conference Proceedings, , 2014 Year: 2013 1- Zahra SA, Malik U, Ali G and Khan AA,; Role of rpigenetic regulatin of the embryonic stem cells transcription factors in leukenia patients, 11th Biennial conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the university of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (Nov. 25-28, 2013), , 2013 2- Ali G, Nasir Ga, Mohsin S, Sulaiman, Khan SN and Riazuddin S,; IL-6 and sodium nitroprousside pre-treatment improved the repair potential of stem cells in liver fibrosis, 11th Biennial conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the university of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (Nov. 25-28, 2013), , 2013 3- LatiefN, Wajid N, Bhatti FR, Raza FA, Khan SN and Riazuddin S,; Role of stem cells in cartilage repair, 11th Biennial conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the university of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (Nov. 25-28, 2013), , 2013 4- Mehmood.A, Khan M, Mohsin S, Akhtar S, Ali S, Ali M, Khan SN and Riazuddin S,; Proconditioning of stem cells for the repair of diabetic myocardium, 11th Biennial conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the university of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (Nov. 25-28, 2013), , 2013 5- Ahmed S, Nasir IA, yaqub T, Waseem M, Tabassum B, Masood F, Khan A and Husnain T.,; Molecular detection, phylogenetic analysis and designing of siRNA against potato virus X, Advancements in Life Sciences, 1, 2013 6- Azam S, Samillah TR, Yasmeen A, Din S, Iqbal A, Rao AQ, Nasir IA, Rashid B, Shahid AA and Husnain T.,; Dissemination of Bt cotton in cotton growing belt of Pakistan, Advancements in Life Sciences, 1, 2013 7- Ishfaq M, Mahmood N, Nasir IA and Saleem M,; Molecular and biochmeical screening of local aspergillus niger strains efficient in catalase and laccase enzyme production, International Journal of Agriculutre & Biology, , 2013 8- Ahmad I, Khan S, Javed MA, Huyop FZ, Tariq M and Naisr, IA,; RAPD and protein analyses revealed polymorphism in mutated potato cultivars, J.Technology (Science & Engineering), 64, 2013 9- Sadiq HM, Jahagir, GZ, Nasir IA, Iqtidar M and Iqbal M,; Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from rhizospher soil, Biotechnology & Biotechnologic al equipment, 27, 2013 10- Iqbal, Z, Shahzad, M, Vissers, LE LM, Scherpenzeel, MV< Gilissen, C, Razzaq, A., Zahoor, MY, Khan, SN, Kleeftra, T, Veltman, JA, A.P debBrouvwer, APM< Lefeber, DJ, Bokhoven, HV and Riazuddin S.,; A compound heterozygous mutation in DPAGTI results in a congenital disorder of glycosylation with a relatively mild phenotype, Eur Hum Genet, 21(8), 2013 11- Jaworek TJ, Richard EM, Ivanova AA, Giese AP, Choo DI, Khan SN, Riazuddin S and Khan RA,; An alternation in ELMOD3, an Ar12 GTPase-=activating protein, is associated with hearning impariment in humans, PloS genet, 9(9), 2013 12- Kabir F, Naz S, Amer S, RiazuddinS, Asif MN, Khan SH, Husnain T, Akram J, Sieving Pj, Hejtmancik F, and Riazuddin S,; Novel Mutations I RPE65 identified in consanguienous Pakistani Familes with retinal dystophies, Mol Vis, 19, 2013 13- Mahmoodk, Selma K, Cigdem O, Ozel A, Aasim M, Bakshsh A, and Rao AQ,; Editorial of scientific world Journal, Scientifi World Journal, , 2013 14- Rao AQ, Bakhsh A, Mehmood A., Shahid AA., Shahzad K, Malik A and Husnain T.,; Bariation in expression of Phytochrome B gene in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), J. 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B., Khan MA, Haider S, Husnain T,; Molecular characterization an dphylogentic analysis of a variant of highly infections cotton leaf curl Burewala virus associated ith CLCuD from Pakistan, Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7(8), 2013 22- Bajwa SK, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Kiani S, Ashraf Ashraf AM, Dahab AA, Bakhsh A, Latif A, Khan A, Puspito AN, Bashir A, Aftab A, Husnain T,; Expression of Calotropisprocera expansion gene CpEXPh3 ehnahces cotton fibre strength, Australian Journal of Crop Science, 7(2), 2013 23- Buchmaier BS, Bibi A, Muller GA, Dihazi GH, Eltoweissy M, Kruegel J, Dihazi H,; Renal cells express different forms of Vimentin: The independent Expresson Alternation of these forms is important in cell resistance to Osmotic stress and apoptosis, Plos ONE, 8(7), 2013 24- Dihazi H, Dihazi Gh, Bibi A, Eltoweissy M, Mueller CA, Asif AR, Rubel D, Vasko R, Mueller GA,; Secretion of ERP57 is important for extracellur matrix accumulation and progression of renal fibrosis, and is an early sign of disease onset., Journal of Cell Science, 126(16), 2013 25- Dihazi GH, Bibi A, Jahn O, Nolte J, Mueller GA, Engel W, Dihazi H,; Impact of the antiproliferative agent ciclopirox olamine treatment on stem cells proteome, World J Stem Cells, 5(1), 2013 26- Shahid I, Gull S, Ijaz B, Ahmad W, Ansar M, Asad S, Kausar H, Sarwar Mt, Khan MK, Hassan S,; Stble Huh-7 cell lines expressing non-structural proteins of genotype 1a of hepatitis C virus, J Virological methods, 189(1), 2013 27- Bhatti FU, Mehmood A, Wajid N, Rauf M, Khan SN, Riazuddin S,; Vitamin E protects chondrocytes against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stree in vitro, Inflammation Research, 62(8), 2013 28- Shamim Z, Rashid B, Rahman Z, Husnain T,; Expression of drought tolerance in transgenic cotton, Science Asia, 39, 2013 29- Shah M, Wadood A, Rahman Z, Husnain T,; Interaction and inhibition of Dengue envelope Glycoprotein with mammalian receptor DX-SIGN, an in-silico approach, PLoS ONE, 8(3), 2013 30- Ali A, Rehman HU, Idrees M,; Seroepidemiology of dengue fever in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Pakistan, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 17, 2013 31- Ullah S, Rehman HU, Idrees M,; Mutations in the NS5A gene are associated with response to interferon = ribavirin combination therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus 3a infection, European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 4, 2013 32- Hussain A, Idrees M,; First Complete genome of HCV -1a form Pakistani isolate and its phylogenetic analysis with complete genome of rest of world., Virology Journal, 10, 2013 33- Bushra T, Sher Z, Tariq M, Khan A, Shahid N, Bilail M, Ramzan M, Iqbal MS,Nasir IA, Jamal A, Bushra T, Husnain, T,; Overview of a Acquired virus Resistance in Transgenic Plants, Experimental Agriculture & Horticulture, 2(2), 2013 34- Nasir IA, Jamal A, Bushra T, Husnain T,; Regeneration response from Old Cell Suspension Cultures of Gladiolus, Experimental Agriculture & Horticulture, 2(2), 2013 35- Rao AQ, Bajwa KS, Puspito An, Khan MZU, Abbas MA, Rehman Mu, Bakhsh A, Shahid AA, Nasir IA, Husnain T,; Variation in express of phytochrome B Gene in Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.), Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 15, 2013 36- Iftikhar S, Shahid AA, Javed S, Nasir IA, Tabassum B, Haider MS,; Essential oil and latices as novel antiviral agent against potato leaf roll virus and analysis of their phytochemical constituents responsible for antiviral activity, Journal of Agricultural Science, 5(7), 2013 37- Hossain, MDB, Nasir I A, Tabassum B, Husnain T,; Molecular characterization, cloning and sequencing of coat protein gene of a Pakistani potato leaf roll virus isolate and its phylogenetic analysis, African Journal of Biotechnology, 12(11), 2013 38- Jenkinson EM, Rehman AU, Walsh T, Smith JC< Lee K, Morell RJ, Drummond MC, Khan SN, Naeem MA, Rauf B, Billington N, Schultz JM, Urquhart JE< Lee MK, Berry A, Hanley NA, Mehta S, Cilliers D, Clayton PE, Kingston H, Smith MJ, Warner TT, Black GC, Trump D, D,; Perrault syndrome is caused by recessive mutations inCLPP, encoding a mitochondrial ATP-dependent chambered protease, American Journal of Human Genetics, 92(4), 2013 39- Shahzad M, Sivakumaran TA, Qaiser TA, Schultz JM, Hussain Z, Flanagan M, Bhinder MA, Kissell D, Greinwald JH Jr, Khan SN, Friedman TB, Zhang K, Riazuddin S, Riazuddin S, Ahmed ZM,; Genetic Analysis through Otoseq of Pakistani Families Segregating Prelingual Hearing Loss, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, , 2013 40- Khan M, Ali F, MohsinS, Akthar S, Mehmood A, Choudhery MS, Khan SN, Riazuddin S,; Preconditioning diabetic mesenchymal stem cells withmyogenic medium increases their ability to repair diabetic heart, Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 4(3), 2013 41- Tariq M, Masoud Ms, Mehmood A, Khan SN, Riazuddin S,; Stormal cell derived factor I alpha protects stem cell derived insullin producing cells from glucotoxicity under high glucose conditions in vitro and ameliorated drug induced diabetes in rats, Journal of Translational Medicine, 11, 2013 42- Wajid N, Mehmood A, Bhatti FU, Khan SN, Riazuddis S,; Lovastatin rotects chondrocytes derived from Wharton's jelly of human and against hydrogen peroxide induced in vitro injury, Cell and Tissue Research, 51(3), 2013 43- Bashir ZE, Latief N, Belyantseva IA, Iqbal, F, Amer RiazuddinS, Khan SN, Friedman, TB, Riazuddin S. Riazuddin S,; Phenotypic variability of CLDN14 mutations causing DNFB29 hearing loss in the Pakistani population, Journal of Human Genetics, 58(2), 2013 Year: 2012 1- Ahmad W, Ijaz B., Hassan, S.,,; Gene expression profiling of HCV genotype 3a initial liver fibrosis and cirrhosis patients using microarray, Journal of translational medicine, 10, 2012 2- Choudhery MS., Khan M., Mahmood R., Mehmood A., Khan SN and Riazuddin S ,; Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells from aged mice have reduced wound healing, angiogenesis, proliferation and anti apoptosis capabilities., Cell Biol Int., CB120110183., 2012 3- Javed S., Shahid A. A., Muhammad, H. S., Umeera, A., Ahmad, R. and Mushtaq. 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(2010). ,; Synthesis of a New Tri-Branched PEG-IFN?2 and Its Impact on Anti Viral Bioactivity. , Int J Pept Res and Thers.,, Vol:16(4) :239-245., 2010 15- Kaul H, Riazuddin SA, Yasmeen A, Mohsin S, Khan M, Nasir IA, Khan SN, Husnain T, Akram J, Hejtmancik JF, Riazuddin S. (2010).,; A new locus for autosomal recessive congenital cataract identified in a Pakistani family.. , Mol. Vis., 16:240-245, 2010 16- Kaul H, Riazuddin SA, Shahid M, Kousar S, Butt NH, Zafar AU, Khan SN, Husnain T, Akram J, Hejtmancik JF, Riazuddin S. (2010).,; Autosomal recessive congenital cataract linked to EPHA2 in a consanguineous Pakistani family. , Mol. Vis., 16:511-517, 2010 17- Yasmeen A, Riazuddin SA, Kaul H, Mohsin S, Khan M, Qazi ZA, Nasir IA, Zafar AU, Khan SN, Husnain T, Akram J, Hejtmancik JF, Riazuddin S. (2010).,; Autosomal recessive congenital cataract in consanguineous Pakistani families is associated with mutations in GALK1. , Mol. 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Genet., 76,270-275, 2010 20- Kitajiri, S., Sakamoto, T., Belyantseva, I.A., Goodyear, R.J., Stepanyan, R., Fujiwara, I., Bird, J.E., Riazuddin, S., Riazuddin, S., Ahmed, Z.M., Hinshaw, J.E., Sellers, J., Bartles, J.R., Hammer, J.A., Richardson, G.P., Griffith, A.J., Frolenkov, G.I., ,; TRIOBP is a Novel Actin-Bundling Protein Required for Rootlet Formation and Rigidity of Hair Cell Stereocilia. , Cell, 141(5):786-798, 2010 21- Hertzano, R., Puligilla, C., Chan, S.L., Timothy, C., Depireux, D., Wolf, J., Ahmed, Z.M., Friedman, T.B., Riazuddin, S., Kelley, M.W. and Strome, S.E. (2010).,; CD44 is a marker for the outer pillar cell in the early post-natal mouse inner ear. , JARO, 11(3):407-418, 2010 22- Rehman, A.U., Morell, R.J., Khan, S.Y., Belyantseva, I.A., Boger, E.T., Shahzad, M., Ahmed, Z.M., Riazuddin, S., Khan S.N., Riazuddin, S., and Friedman, T.B. (2010),; Targeted Capture and Next-Generation Sequencing of the 2.9 Megabase DFNB79 Locus Identifies Mutations in C9orf75, Encoding TAPERIN, as a Cause of Nonsyndromic Deafness. , Am. J. Hum. Genet., 86(3):378-388, 2010 23- Kang, C., Riazuddin, S., Mundorff, J., Krasnewich, D., Friedman, P.L., Mullikan, J.C., and Drayna, D. (2010),; Association of persistent stuttering with mutations in the lysosomal enzyme targeting pathway. , N. Engl. J. Med., 362(8):677-685, 2010 24- Shehzadi, A., Riazuddin, S.A., Ali, S., Li, D., Sabar, M.F., Khan, S.N., Sieving, P.A., Hejtmancik, J.F. and Riazuddin, S. (2010).,; Nonsense mutation of MERTK causes autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa in a consanguineous Pakistani family. , Brit. J. Ophthalmol., 94(8):1094-1099, 2010 25- Khaliq, S., Khaliq, S.A., Zahur, M., Ijaz, B., Jahan, S., Ansar, M., Riazuddin, S., and Hassan, S. (2010).,; RNAi as a new therapeutic strategy against HCV. , Biotechnol. Adv., 28(1):27-34, 2010 26- Khan, S.Y., Riazuddin, S., Shahzad, M., Ahmed, N., Zafar, A.U., Rehman, A.U., Morell, R.J., Griffith, A.J., Ahmed, Z.M., Riazuddin, S., and Friedman, T.B. (2010),; DFNB79: reincarnation of a nonsyndromic deafness locus on chromosome 9q34.3. , Eur. J. Hum. Genet., 18(1):125-129, 2010 Last Three Year Books Year: 2014 1- Bushra Rashid, Tayyab Husnain, Sheikh Riazuddin,; Title: Emerging Technologies and Management of crop stress tolerance/Genomic approaches and abiotic stress Tolerance in plants. Publisher: Elsevier, Year: 2014 2- Habib-ur-Rahman, Abdul Qayyum Rao & Tayyab Husnain,; Title: Transformation of RNAi constructs in different cotton varieties Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic publishing GmgH & Co. Kg, Year: 2014 Year: 2012 1- Bushra Rashid
Tayyab Husnain
Riazuddin Sheikh,; Title: Crop Production for Agricultural Imporvement
Plant Genetic Engineering: Problems and Applications Publisher: Springer, Year: 2012
Seminar/ ConferencesConference Proceedings Year: 2015 1- Conference proceeding on Biosafety study of genetically modified CEMB sugarcane on animals for glyphosate tolerance, , 2(3), 2015 2- Conference proceeding on Urbanization triggers Asthma in 'C' allele carriers for rs12603332, , , 2015 Year: 2014 1- Conference proceeding on Development of virus resistant transgenic cotton, ICGI Conference Proceedings, , 2014 2- Conference proceeding on Transformation of different miRNA &RNAi based constructs against CLCuV and its insect vector for the development of virus resistance transgenic cotton, ICGI Conference Proceedings, , 2014 3- Conference proceeding on High throughput transcriptome analysis of Gossypium arboretum under abiotic stress, ICGI Conference Proceedings, , 2014 Year: 2013 1- Conference proceeding on Role of rpigenetic regulatin of the embryonic stem cells transcription factors in leukenia patients, 11th Biennial conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the university of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (Nov. 25-28, 2013), , 2013 2- Conference proceeding on IL-6 and sodium nitroprousside pre-treatment improved the repair potential of stem cells in liver fibrosis, 11th Biennial conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the university of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (Nov. 25-28, 2013), , 2013 3- Conference proceeding on Role of stem cells in cartilage repair, 11th Biennial conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the university of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (Nov. 25-28, 2013), , 2013 4- Conference proceeding on Proconditioning of stem cells for the repair of diabetic myocardium, 11th Biennial conference of Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology held at the university of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan (Nov. 25-28, 2013), , 2013 Will be updated soon FacilitiesThe twin component of Molecular Biology Laboratory Complex is spread over 60 acres of lad, with covered area of 7000 square meters, including a Laboratory Block, a Teaching Block, a Hostel for Ph.D Research Scholars. The Laboratory Block is divided into four separate research units comprising a total of 20 Research Labs. and four Conference Rooms, one Production Unit and one Support Facilities Unit comprising a Lab-aid Section (for washing, autoclaving and media preparation), an Animal House, an Insectary, six large Plant Growth Rooms, and storage space for research materials. The Teaching Block consists of a well equipped Library, Seminar Hall, Photography, Computer Rooms, a Conference Hall, Director's Office, Administration and Accounts Section. There is a self service canteen a dining hall, and 11 rooms in the research scholars hostel ContactsTel: +92-42-3529-3127 Faculty
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